The two-tier U.S. Justice system, Part II

by WorldTribune Staff, January 22, 2019

A second glaring example of the two-tier system of justice in the United States was driven home in a Jan. 18 op-ed by former House Speaker Newt Gingrich for Fox News.

In a 2018 story that was widely ignored by the major media, it was revealed that the personal driver of California Democratic Sen. Dianne Feinstein had been spying for the Chinese government.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein

One of the few outlets to report on it, the San Francisco Chronicle noted that Feinstein had spoken to and fired the spy who was on her staff for 20 years and “that was the end of it.”

Related: The two-tier U.S. Justice system, Part I, Jan. 21, 2019

“When well-entrenched Democrats find themselves enmeshed in espionage by our greatest competitor – China – they are briefed and the problem is ignored,” Gingrich wrote.

“But when the vaguest of allegations is made against a Republican – or any real change agent in Washington – the establishment and media go to war against him or her.”

Gingrich noted that “With no evidence – save some absurd and unsubstantiated opposition research paid for by the Clinton campaign and the Democrats – Obama-era FBI officials are reported to have decided to covertly investigate the newly elected president for what amounts to treason.”

Gingrich added: “This inquisition was apparently in addition to the counterintelligence investigation over alleged (and undefined) collusion between Trump’s campaign and Russia to supposedly help elect Donald Trump as president.”

There was “no investigation into Feinstein colluding with China at all – even though she is widely regarded as a ‘China dove’ in the Senate and even though her husband made millions of dollars in Chinese business dealings while she has served as a top Democrat on Senate committees dealing with intelligence, energy and foreign affairs,” Gingrich wrote.

Feinstein’s claime, which media did report, that her driver “was of no importance, didn’t know anything, and posed no threat to our national security was complete baloney,” Gingrich wrote.

“As a former congressional leader, I can tell you that drivers in congressional offices have nearly complete access to their members’ schedules. They know who you are meeting with, when you are meeting them, and sometimes have a notion of what the meeting is about.

“The drivers hear every conversation you have while you are being driven about from place to place – both on the phone and with staffers riding with you. They have access to anything you leave in the car for safe-keeping – think briefcases, notes, laptops, iPads, cellphones, and the like.

“Furthermore, as a member of your team, the drivers have access to the rest of your staff. The amount of intelligence a spy embedded in a congressional office could ascertain from simply attending a staff happy hour is astounding.

“Even if this staff member had no access to classified information, the political and policy intelligence to which he had access may have put our country at a huge disadvantage in negotiating with or competing with China.”

A New York Post op-ed published Aug. 8 on the incident was headlined: “Diane Feinstein was an easy mark for China’s spy”.

Post columnist Paul Sperry wrote: “A Chinese-American who doubled as both an office staffer and Feinstein’s personal driver, the agent reportedly was handled by officials based out of the People’s Republic of China’s consulate in San Francisco, which Feinstein helped set up when she was mayor of that city. He even attended consulate functions for the senator.”

The New York Post op-ed continued: “Feinstein says she took the staffer off her payroll ‘immediately’ after the FBI informed her five years ago that her office had been infiltrated by Chinese intelligence, and agents had identified the mole in a briefing. In a statement, the Democratic senator insisted he had ‘no access to sensitive information’ and that he was never charged with espionage.”

Gingrich noted that “Presumably, American taxpayers are required to pay for the Chinese spy’s retirement – for which the Chinese government is undoubtedly grateful.”

Gingrich concluded: “These two contrasting cases of President Trump and Sen. Feinstein clearly show the bias held by both the media and the Washington establishment.”

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