Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, August 2, 2021
In an apparent effort to control the narrative about the latest Covid wave, Team Biden ordered workers at a migrant facility at Fort Bliss, Texas to conceal an outbreak of Covid among the illegals housed at the facility.
Two whistleblowers have accused Team Biden’s Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) of directing them to downplay the severity of a Covid outbreak among migrant children at the federal facility in Texas, the Daily Mail reported on July 28.

Arthur Pearlstein, a director at the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, and Lauren Reinhold, an attorney-adviser at the Social Security Administration, detailed their allegations in a complaint sent last week to four Congressional committees and government watchdogs.
They said the outbreak erupted at the Fort Bliss Emergency Intake Site, near El Paso, between April and June of this year. According to a recent court filing, there were 327 children in medical isolation who had tested positive for Covid-19 at Fort Bliss, as of July 12.
“Now that we know that migrants are spreading COVID throughout the country, here’s a scandal that goes with it, which hasn’t gotten the attention it merits,” Monica Showalter noted in an Aug. 1 op-ed for American Thinker.
The whistleblowers described how Covid-19 cases ran rampant at the Fort Bliss facility, with “hundreds of children contracting the disease in overcrowded conditions which eventually spread to many employees.”
“Every effort was made to downplay the degree of COVID infection at the site, and the size of the outbreak was deliberately kept under wraps,” Pearlstein and Reinhold wrote in the report.
The whistleblowers’ report references a town hall question and answer session with detailees where a senior U.S. Public Health Service manager, when asked about the virus, refused to disclose how many infections were present fearing the media would instead be focused on the facility and its outbreak.
“If that graph [of infections] is going to The Washington Post every day, it’s the only thing we’ll be dealing with and politics will take over, perception will take over, and we’re about reality, not perception,” the manager is alleged to have said.
Showalter noted that “this corresponds very well to a recent incident in McAllen, Texas, where illegal border crossers were not only caught with COVID, they were also let in with COVID, despite Title 42, which Joe Biden has left in place. That’s a measure to send back COVID-infected migrants and, apparently, it’s not being enforced. After that, they were being housed at a hotel by Catholic Charities, and free to move into restaurants, coughing and sneezing without masks at a local Whataburger, despite having food in their hotel and cash to buy Whataburgers. Then the cops were called and they asked them to leave. The cops said they hadn’t been told about the migrant-COVID hotel in their vicinity by either the contractor or the government. Nobody wanted either them, or the community, to know, but they were quite comfortable with the idea of spreading COVID to the locals.”
Showalter added:
“One wonders how much of this has been going on as the migrants surge across, at last count, more than a million, and from 161 countries.
“So now the public is expected to trust these people when they say the migrants are not a COVID issue (Dr. Rochelle Walensky at the CDC had a whopper on that just the other day), yet we need to mask up, just to protect ourselves from all the COVID they are spreading with the other hand, through the migrants? COVID, you see, comes from Trumpsters, not the illegals being seeded throughout the land.
“If there’s anything that fosters an atmosphere of distrust of government, a look at this record would be instructive.”
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