by WorldTribune Staff, April 12, 2020
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi not only says that Congress won’t re-open in April, but has warned President Donald Trump against moving to re-start the economy.

Pelosi told Politico on Friday that she is considering keeping the House of Representatives out of session longer than the April 20 return-from-recess date, and may not bring Congress back until well into May. She called on Trump to keep the country under lockdown even longer.
Pelosi would go on to say that she hopes the “scientific community” tells Trump he can’t re-open the economy anytime soon.
“Nobody can really tell you that and I would never venture a guess. I certainly don’t think we should do it sooner than we should,” Pelosi said. “This has taken an acceleration from when we started this. Little did we know then that at this point, we’d be further confined.”
Pelosi added: “I would hope that the scientific community would weigh in and say, ‘You can’t do this, it is only going to make matters worse if you go out too soon.’ ”
RedState’s Bonchie noted that “the reason why Pelosi is doing this is so obvious. It’s a scheme to set public opinion up so that any deaths that occur after a re-opening are blamed on Trump. Of course, in reality, there will be deaths after a re-opening of commerce no matter how long we wait, but Pelosi desperately wants the ‘blood on his hands’ narrative to be the conventional wisdom. That’s why she’s trying to appear as if she’s deferring to the ‘experts’ when even the experts will never agree on such a topic.”
The president “could wait two weeks or two months, but no matter what he does, Democrats are going to claim he took the wrong course of action,” Bonchie wrote. “Because deaths are inevitable, they’ll have their fodder to scream ‘I told you so’ while ignoring all the context of the situation. The truth of the matter is that we can not stay locked down indefinitely, though Pelosi and her allies will pretend as if that was a viable option.”
Starting this week, Trump is forming a second task force to look at ways to mitigate the current economic damage and get people back to work.
“What they don’t need is people like Pelosi yelling from the cheap seats … and doing so while stalling out relief for small businesses,” Bonchie wrote. “Regardless, no matter what the President does here, the media and Democrats will attack him. He might as well just do what’s right.”
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