Brotherly love lost: More trouble in communism’s first and last dynasty

Brotherly love lost: More trouble in communism’s first and last dynasty

Special to By Donald Kirk Kim Jong-Nam showed the warm and human face of North Korea’s dynastic family. You had to like the guy, judging from sightings in the gambling enclave of Macau, across the Pearl River estuary from Hong Kong off China’s southeastern coast. One time he was spotted in a Macao bus. […]

South Korean conservatives fight back, decry media bias

South Korean conservatives fight back, decry media bias

by WorldTribune Staff, February 14, 2017 Fearing a win by the Left would destroy the country’s alliance with the U.S., conservatives in South Korea are defending impeached President Park Geun-Hye against what they say is a “demagogic mass media,” a report said. South Korea’s right blames the media for the Park scandal, even though the […]

Part 2: South Korean intelligence officer had to fight both Seoul and the Dept. of Homeland Security for asylum in the U.S.

Part 2: South Korean intelligence officer had to fight both Seoul and the Dept. of Homeland Security for asylum in the U.S.

Special to By Donald Kirk Following is an excerpt from a book by WorldTribune and Geostrategy-Direct columnist Donald Kirk and the Korean author Kim Ki-Sam, “How South Korea’s Kim Dae-Jung bought his Peace Prize and financed Kim Jong-Il’s nuclear program”. South Korea’s first woman president has been impeached over allegations involving a confidante, but […]

Showdown: Historically, trade wars lead to real wars

Showdown: Historically, trade wars lead to real wars

Special to By Donald Kirk President Donald Trump’s most fearsome offensive on the world stage has nothing to do with immigration reform, or building that wall all along the U.S. border with Mexico, or defense or treaty alliances or the North Korean nuke-and-missile threat. It’s all about U.S. trade relations with the rest of […]

Part 1: How South Korea’s Kim Dae-Jung bought his Peace Prize and financed Kim Jong-Il’s nuclear program

Part 1: How South Korea’s Kim Dae-Jung bought his Peace Prize and financed  Kim Jong-Il’s nuclear program

Special to By Donald Kirk Following is the Preface and the first of several excerpts from a book by WorldTribune columnist Donald Kirk and the Korean author Kim Ki-Sam. The book has generated much interest and controversy in both South Korea and the United States and has been published in Norway, the home of […]

Trump’s opening chess move puts northeast Asia on notice

Trump’s opening chess move puts northeast Asia on notice

Special to By Donald Kirk President Donald Trump has now made his first substantive move in foreign policy with broad repercussions for Northeast Asia, including both Korea and Japan. The consequences may be far-reaching. By signing an executive order formally withdrawing from the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Trump has signaled that he may actually carry […]

Snowden plays Snowden: Time to take the show on the road?

Snowden plays Snowden: Time to take the show on the road?

Special to By Donald Kirk As Donald Trump is inaugurated in Washington, it may be timely to wonder what if anything did Edward Snowden, in Moscow, have to do with his election. Would Snowden be letting his skills go to waste? Might he be sharing notes with Russian friends on cyber-sleuthing and cyber-espionage ― […]

Brave new cyber-spy world: From Moscow with love-hate

Brave new cyber-spy world: From Moscow with love-hate

Special to By Donald Kirk WASHINGTON – Once upon a time, in an era that’s faded into the near-forgotten history of The Cold War, Moscow was the enemy, and those who believed otherwise were labeled “comsymps” for Communist sympathizers. The phenomenon of “the Red scare,” meaning the fears inflicted by the specter of “commies” […]

Rogue states search Trump tweets for clues as Oval Office awaits new occupant

Rogue states search Trump tweets for clues as Oval Office awaits new occupant

Special to By Donald Kirk WASHINGTON ― President-elect Donald Trump will be flexing America’s muscles against both China and North Korea from almost the moment he sits down in the Oval Office of the White House, at least to judge from his recent tweets. “China has been taking out massive amounts of money & […]

Trump’s world: How to distinguish between allies, friendly rogue states and bad actors?

Trump’s world: How to distinguish between allies, friendly rogue states and bad actors?

Special to By Donald Kirk WASHINGTON – The U.S. refusal to veto the UN Security Council resolution attacking Israeli settlements in Palestinian territory as “a flagrant violation” of international law has triggered cries of outrage worthy of full-scale hostilities. You might think, from the responses of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, that President Barack […]

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