by WorldTribune Staff, September 9, 2021
A review of traffic data for finds that its firewall, like Israel’s phenomenal anti-missile Iron Dome system, is swatting down hundreds of hostile bots and other cyber attacks each hour from all parts of the globe, Iran in particular. In the last week alone, there were more than 375,000 bot visits to the site with a few thousand blocked as hostiles.
Welcome to September 2021, with the entire world’s economy online and hand held computers operating in even the most impoverished and suppressed corners of the globe. Thirty years ago, there was no Internet or cable news and people got ink on their fingers when reading the news. They dutifully watched and for the most part even believed the evening news on the tube.

Nowadays, bad actors may be down the street or in North Korea, Iran and Qatar. And they are commandeering IP addresses elsewhere. Some are in service to the militaries of rogue states, others are members of Antifa. Still others are the tech CEOs of tomorrow, bunkered down in their parents’ houses.
Despite the wonders of modern technology, including these very efficient Firewalls, on Sept. 6 and 7, service at WorldTribune was temporarily disrupted on several occasions by bursts of unauthorized Google advertising.
To readers who notified WorldTribune of those intrusions and to our colleagues who lost their Labor Day downtime, Thank You!
The Editors and Staff