Libyan forces seize Sirte port from ISIL as terror group under siege in city center

Libyan forces seize Sirte port from ISIL as terror group under siege in city center

by WorldTribune Staff, June 12, 2016 Militiamen allied with Libya’s UN-backed unity government captured the port of Sirte on June 11 as Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) jihadists barricaded themselves in the city center in anticipation of the Libyan forces’ advance. Libyan Brig. Gen. Mohammed al-Ghasri said ISIL has fallen back to a […]

Syrian regime bombs town hours after food aid was delivered to starving residents

Syrian regime bombs town hours after food aid was delivered to starving residents

by WorldTribune Staff, June 12, 2016 Syrian helicopters dropped barrel bombs on the town of Daraya on June 10 just hours after its starving residents began receiving food aid for the first time in nearly four years. French Foreign Minister Jean-Marc Ayrault accused the regime of President Bashar Assad of “extraordinary duplicity” as the airstrikes […]

Judge dismisses key gun charge against armed occupiers in Oregon standoff

Judge dismisses key gun charge against armed occupiers in Oregon standoff

by WorldTribune Staff, June 12, 2016 The defense of Ammon Bundy and seven co-defendants in the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge standoff won a key victory on June 10 when a U.S. District Judge dismissed a key gun charge in the case. Judge Anna J. Brown dismissed Count 3 of the federal indictment, declaring that the […]

ISIL, intel reports warned of new terror threats targeting Florida, U.S. homeland

ISIL, intel reports warned of new terror threats targeting Florida, U.S. homeland

by WorldTribune Staff, June 12, 2016 Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) warned earlier this week it planned terror attacks in Florida and issued a list of names of Florida residents it intended to kill, according to a report. reported on the threat on June 9. The report said ISIL released a “hit […]

Turkey’s Erdogan flies home early after friction over Muhammad Ali funeral

Turkey’s Erdogan flies home early after friction over Muhammad Ali funeral

by WorldTribune Staff, June 10, 2016 A dust-up over his role at the funeral of boxing legend Muhammad Ali prompted Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan to leave the proceedings early and fly back to Turkey. Erdogan and other government representatives left for Turkey on Feb. 9 without participating in the full funeral ceremony in Louisville, […]

Libyan forces moving in on ISIL stronghold in Sirte

Libyan forces moving in on ISIL stronghold in Sirte

by WorldTribune Staff, June 10, 2016 Forces aligned with Libya’s unity government advanced on Islamic State of Iraq and Levant’s (ISIL’s) stronghold at Sirte on June 9 but were stopped from entering the city center by the terror group’s snipers. Brigades of fighters from the western city of Misrata succeeded in driving ISIL back along […]

Egypt’s Christians applaud new law granting legal status to churches

Egypt’s Christians applaud new law granting legal status to churches

by WorldTribune Staff, June 10, 2016 Egypt’s Christian community is hailing a long-awaited constitutional change that governs the construction and renovation of churches. According to Article 235 of the Egyptian Constitution: “In its first legislative term following the effective date of this constitution, the parliament will issue a law to regulate the construction and renovation […]

White House spokesman terms Clinton email probe a ‘criminal investigation’

White House spokesman terms Clinton email probe a ‘criminal investigation’

by WorldTribune Staff, June 10, 2016 On the same day President Barack Obama endorsed Hillary Clinton to succeed him, the White House for the first time referred to the probe into the former secretary of state’s emails as a “criminal investigation.” White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest used the term at his June 9 briefing […]

Palestinian gunmen kill 4 in Tel Aviv mall; UN’s Ban ‘shocked’ at praise for attacks

Palestinian gunmen kill 4 in Tel Aviv mall; UN’s Ban ‘shocked’ at praise for attacks

by WorldTribune Staff, June 9, 2016 UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expressed “shock” after Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza Strip celebrated the June 8 terror attacks that left four dead at a popular shopping and restaurant district in Tel Aviv. “The Secretary-General is shocked that the leaders of Hamas have chosen to welcome this […]

70 years after the Holocaust, art stolen by Nazis still on display in U.S. museums

70 years after the Holocaust, art stolen by Nazis still on display in U.S. museums

by WorldTribune Staff, June 9, 2016 Sen. Ted Cruz is spearheading new legislation aimed at stopping U.S. museums from “waiting out the clock” in a bid to keep high-priced artworks looted by Nazis from being returned to Jewish Holocaust victims. “Over 70 years later — we are still trying to cope with the consequences of […]