The GOP’s Bill Clinton: Wrong for conservatives, wrong for America

The GOP’s Bill Clinton: Wrong for conservatives, wrong for America

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Republicans have been casting about for a viable alternative to Mitt Romney. Many now believe Mr. Gingrich should be the GOP’s 2012 presidential nominee. They are wrong. Mr. Gingrich has excellent qualities. He is a formidable debater, articulate and possesses a strong grasp of policy. In fact, the Georgia Republican has won […]

GOP presidential foreign policy debate ducked the questions that mattered most

GOP presidential foreign policy debate ducked the questions that mattered most

Lev Navrozov On Nov. 22, I watched a televised Republican presidential primary debate on U.S. national security and foreign policy. Symbolically, it took place at the historic Constitution Hall in Washington, D.C., and was hosted by CNN, in partnership with The Heritage Foundation and American Enterprise Institute, and moderated by Wolf Blitzer. It has been […]

Meals, toilets, and Marx: The life and times of UC Davis occupiers

Meals, toilets, and Marx: The life and times of UC Davis occupiers

Special to Based on an article by Cliff Kincaid for Accuracy in Media A campus conservative at UC Davis was so disgusted by slanted coverage of the Occupy movement that he reached out to Fox News and provided the channel a video showing police officers being surrounded by protesters after dismantling an illegal tent […]

If only pigs really could fly

If only pigs really could fly

By Wesley Pruden The congressional super-duper, new-and-improved deficit committee, organized to enable Congress to do what it was sent to Washington to do, failed. Or, in the spirit of the holiday season, “faileth.” Handel should write an appropriate oratorio. The talk-talk has gone on long enough. It’s the fault of the Republicans, of course. We […]

08/08/08 and the ‘Little War That Shook The World’

08/08/08 and the ‘Little War That Shook The World’

Special to By Sumantra Maitra, The 5 day August war between Russia and Georgia changed the geopolitical and geostrategic scenario of Europe. It is important for many reasons. It was the first East-West conflict since the end of Cold War. It was the first European war since the Second World War, where the […]

U.S. state media trumpets White House spin on Asia tour

U.S. state media trumpets White House spin on Asia tour

Special to Based on an article by Cliff Kincaid for Accuracy in Media President Obama is being portrayed by the always supportive U.S. media as almost a “peace through strength” Ronald Reagan Republican as he travels abroad. “With the Obama administration’s high-profile pivot toward Asia this week — pushing for a new free-trade agreement […]

In his second term, Obama vows, he will fix all that went wrong in his first

Lev Navrozov As I began writing this column, in the morning of November 6, I happened to view the television interview with Arne Duncan, U.S. Secretary of Education, who appeared on Fareed Zakaria GPS program “Fixing America’s Education Crisis.” Mr.Duncan admitted that America is failing and losing its world dominance in education. International testing has […]

It’s only words: With Asian tour, Obama tries to change the subject

It’s only words: With Asian tour, Obama tries to change the subject

Sol W. Sanders The Obama Administration is trying to turn a historical page. The president’s current Pacific tour is promoted as “a return to Asia”, an acknowledgment of its rapidly growing economies, and, of course, recognition of China as a world power. History has a way of dictating its own terms, however. [When asked what […]

Winner of the Cold War: Communist China

Winner of the Cold War: Communist China

Jeffrey T. Kuhner BOWING TO BEIJING: HOW BARACK OBAMA IS HASTENING AMERICA’S DECLINE AND USHERING A CENTURY OF CHINESE DOMINATION By Brett M. Decker and William C. Triplett II Regnery, $27.95, 231 pages President Obama is creating a post-American world — one that is ushering in the dominance of China. Mr. Obama is fostering U.S. economic […]

Latin America going Red on Obama’s watch . . . as it did on Carter’s

Latin America going Red on Obama’s watch . . . as it did on Carter’s

Based on an article by Cliff Kincaid for Accuracy in Media While the U.S. media was preoccupied with unsubstantiated sexual harassment allegations against Herman Cain, America was losing Nicaragua to the communists — again. But you wouldn’t know this from reading the American press. You would have to turn to such British publications as Economist […]