U.S. state media trumpets White House spin on Asia tour

U.S. state media trumpets White House spin on Asia tour

Special to WorldTribune.com Based on an article by Cliff Kincaid for Accuracy in Media President Obama is being portrayed by the always supportive U.S. media as almost a “peace through strength” Ronald Reagan Republican as he travels abroad. “With the Obama administration’s high-profile pivot toward Asia this week — pushing for a new free-trade agreement […]

Orwellian and surreal: The hypocrisy of Bill Clinton’s party and Herman Cain

Orwellian and surreal: The hypocrisy of Bill Clinton’s party and Herman Cain

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Liberals are determined to destroy Herman Cain. The Republican presidential candidate is tied or ahead of the presumptive front-runner, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. He has been running an anti-establishment, insurgent campaign that champions sweeping tax reform and a pro-growth agenda. He is a Southern populist who touts his private-sector experience. He […]

A few observations about Occupy Wall Street

A few observations about Occupy Wall Street

By Sumantra Maitra, FreePressers.com Almost twenty years back, when the Soviet and East European states crumbled, who would have thought that socialism would make such a comeback? Here are a few ground truths about the Occupy Wall Street movement and the various spinoffs it has started.   They are not democratic: No surprise there, really. […]

Not backing down: Buchanan’s warning to America

Not backing down: Buchanan’s warning to America

By Jeffrey Kuhner Is America in its twilight years? Patrick J. Buchanan argues it is. Americans, especially conservatives, should heed his warnings. The very future of our republic is at stake. Mr. Buchanan has written the political book of the year — and maybe of our time. In “Suicide of a Superpower” (Thomas Dunne Books, […]

Disappearing boundaries of sexual license: For children, protectors have become the enemy

Disappearing boundaries of sexual license: For children, protectors have become the enemy

By Grace Vuoto Evidently all the sexual freedom we currently enjoy is simply not enough: even our children are being dragged into the orgy. There is an emerging pattern in the Western media of turning children into sex objects. This is the first step of providing legitimacy for pedophilia. Our children too are being consumed […]

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