Two U.S. soldiers, ‘not on the front lines’ wounded in Iraq, Syria

Two U.S. soldiers, ‘not on the front lines’ wounded in Iraq, Syria

Special to Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty The United States says two of its service members were injured over the weekend, one each in Iraq and Syria. Pentagon spokesman Jeff Davis said on May 31 that the two soldiers “were not on the front lines, they were not engaged in active combat, but […]

Senate panel unanimously approves quadrupling missile defense aid to Israel

Senate panel unanimously approves quadrupling missile defense aid to Israel

by WorldTribune Staff, May 31, 2016 The Senate Appropriations Committee has unanimously approved an increase in spending on Israeli missile defense that is four times more than what President Barack Obama had requested. The increase proposes $600 million in funding for fiscal year 2017 – an increase of $113 million from last year and $454 […]

Saudis hit Iran’s key role as Iraqi offensive targets Fallujah; ISIL car bombs Baghdad

Saudis hit Iran’s key role as Iraqi offensive targets Fallujah; ISIL car bombs Baghdad

by WorldTribune Staff, May 30, 2016 Saudi Arabia condemned Iran’s “intervention” in Iraq as Iraqi forces began their push into Fallujah on May 29. While U.S. special forces are on the front lines in Syria in a new offensive against the Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) in Raqqa, Iran “has become the face […]

ISIL gains territory near Turkish border through which rebel forces have been supplied

ISIL gains territory near Turkish border through which rebel forces have been supplied

by WorldTribune Staff, May 29, 2016 Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) has launched its biggest offensive in Syria’s Aleppo province in two years and gained territory from rebel forces near the Turkish border. ISIL captured territory from Syrian rebels on May 28 and inched closer to a town on a supply route for […]

U.S. Special Forces embed with Kurdish forces, join fight for capital of ISIL’s caliphate

U.S. Special Forces embed with Kurdish forces, join fight for capital of ISIL’s caliphate

by WorldTribune Staff, May 27, 2016 U.S. special operations forces are “present at all positions along the front” and are assisting a Kurdish-Arab coalition “on the ground and in the air,” in the offensive against Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) in its de facto Syria capital of Raqqa. Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) field […]

In blow to Iran nuclear deal, House votes to block heavy water sale

In blow to Iran nuclear deal, House votes to block heavy water sale

Special to Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty The U.S. House has voted to bar the U.S. government from purchasing heavy water from Iran in the future, undercutting President Barack Obama’s nuclear pact with Tehran. The House attached the prohibition to an essential funding bill for the U.S. Energy Department with a 251-168 vote. […]

Memo from U.S. intelligence veterans: Clinton emails ‘a concern’ – ‘also a felony’

Memo from U.S. intelligence veterans: Clinton emails ‘a concern’ – ‘also a felony’

by WorldTribune Staff, May 26, 2016 While the mainstream media continues to downplay Hillary Clinton’s email scandal to protect their candidate, a group of U.S. intelligence veterans are letting the public know just how serious the situation is. The 14 intel vets signed a memo saying Clinton endangered national security “by carelessly exposing highly classified […]

Israel to use precision capabilities for faster battlefield victories

Israel to use precision capabilities for faster battlefield victories

Special to By Geostrategy-Direct Israel’s precision strike and intelligence capabilities will enable quicker victories on the battlefield in future conflicts, former Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon said. [Ya’alon resigned on May 19 after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu moved to replace him with Avigdor Lieberman.] Speaking at the 4th International Fire Conference in Zichron Ya’acov on […]

Hardliner named to head group that will pick Khamenei’s successor

Hardliner named to head group that will pick Khamenei’s successor

Special to By Geostrategy-Direct Iran’s Assembly of Experts which is responsible for electing and overseeing the work of Iran’s supreme leader has chosen hard-liner Ayatollah Ahmad Jannati as its leader. The 88-member Assembly of Experts elected Jannati with 51 votes on May 24, according to media reports. Jannati is a critic of President Hassan […]

Civilians in the crosshairs as fight to retake Fallujah begins

Civilians in the crosshairs as fight to retake Fallujah begins

by WorldTribune Staff, May 23, 2016 Up to 90,000 civilians are being urged to leave Fallujah as Iraqi forces launch an offensive to drive out Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL), but that may not be a good idea. Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi asked civilians to identify their homes with white flags as […]