U.S. warships answer China with pass through Taiwan Strait

U.S. warships answer China with pass through Taiwan Strait

by WorldTribune Staff, July 9, 2018 The United States on July 7 sent two warships through the Taiwan Strait in a move that follows a series of Chinese military drills around Taiwan that have stoked tensions between Beijing and Taipei. U.S. officials, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters the guided-missile destroyers USS Mustin and […]

Judge upholds dismissal of charges in Cliven Bundy case

Judge upholds dismissal of charges in Cliven Bundy case

by WorldTribune Staff, July 5, 2018 The dismissal of charges against Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, his two sons and a family friend was “not in error,” a federal judge ruled. U.S. District Judge Gloria M. Navarro on July 3 rejected the prosecution’s request to reconsider her dismissal of the case. “The Court’s finding of outrageous […]

Analysis: FBI memos show causal links between biased texts and anti-Trump action

Analysis: FBI memos show causal links between biased texts and anti-Trump action

by WorldTribune Staff, July 9, 2018 A stream of FBI memos being produced to House and Senate committees are increasingly connecting the “dots between expressions of political bias and official actions,” an investigative journalist wrote. “We already know from FBI counterintelligence agent Peter Strzok’s now-infamous text messages with his fellow agent and reported lover, Lisa […]

National survey: Americans, especially Trump supporters, are happy with their lives

National survey: Americans, especially Trump supporters, are happy with their lives

by WorldTribune Staff, July 9, 2018 “In an environment where we often hear about partisan rancor, nastiness and divisiveness in American society, it turns out that large majorities of Americans report that they are satisfied with their lives,” said Dr. Peter Francia, director of the ECU Center for Survey Research. In the survey conducted by […]

Collusion: Nunes wants 42 officials from pro-Obama network to testify

Collusion: Nunes wants 42 officials from pro-Obama network to testify

by WorldTribune Staff, July 8, 2018 Rep. Devin Nunes is calling on a congressional task force to summon a group of Obama era officials, FBI agents and political activists to testify publicly about how they targeted the Donald Trump campaign in 2016. “If the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and Judiciary Committee agree, their […]

Info war: North Korea controlled the optics on latest Pompeo visit

Info war: North Korea controlled the optics on latest Pompeo visit

by WorldTribune Staff, July 8, 2018 The most recent denuclearization talks with North Korea were “productive and in good faith,” Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said, disputing Pyongyang’s claim that “gangster-like” demands were made by the top U.S. envoy. Reporters accompanying Pompeo described traces of his irritation at the lack of control over the proceedings. […]

Reports: Trump eyes short-term infrastructure fixes in Gaza to advance secret peace plan

Reports: Trump eyes short-term infrastructure fixes in Gaza to advance secret peace plan

by WorldTribune Staff, July 8, 2018 The United States will prioritize improving conditions in the Gaza Strip in order to bring the Palestinian Authority (PA) to the negotiating table with Israel and move President Donald Trump’s peace plan forward, a report said. The PA continues to boycott peace talks in protest of Trump’s recognition of […]

Gay marriage debatable? Wisconsin Supreme Court gives prof his job back

Gay marriage debatable? Wisconsin Supreme Court gives prof his job back

by WorldTribune Staff, July 8, 2018 The Wisconsin Supreme Court has ordered Marquette University to “immediately reinstate” a professor who was suspended after writing a blog post critical of another instructor who had told students not to question the propriety of gay marriage, a report said. “The undisputed facts show that the University breached its […]

Back in the DPRK: Pompeo holds 3-hour session with Kim Yong-Chol, delivers gift

Back in the DPRK: Pompeo holds 3-hour session with Kim Yong-Chol, delivers gift

by WorldTribune Staff, July 6, 2018 U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo arrived in Pyongyang on July 6 bearing gifts and a letter from President Donald Trump for discussions which included North Korea’s timeline to begin its commitment to denuclearization. A reporter accompanying Pompeo tweeted that the secretary held talks with Kim Yong-Chol, one of […]

‘Raw deal’: Democrats insist economic boom, job growth is bad news for nation’s ‘backbone’

‘Raw deal’: Democrats insist economic boom, job growth is bad news for nation’s ‘backbone’

by WorldTribune Staff, July 6, 2018 The U.S. economy gained 213,000 jobs last month, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics jobs report released on July 6. The jobs numbers were better than had been forecast. Democrats were not impressed. House Minority leader Nancy Pelosi called the Trump economy a “raw deal.” In a statement […]