Who is Emmanuel Macron? France’s new leader called ‘useful idiot’ on militant Islam

Who is Emmanuel Macron? France’s new leader called ‘useful idiot’ on militant Islam

by WorldTribune Staff, May 9, 2017 French President-elect Emmanuel Macron is a “globalist” and an “open promoter of multiculturalism” who does not consider Islamism a national threat, a French journalist and author said. “During the cold war with the Soviet Union, they were called ‘Useful Idiots,’ ” Yves Mamou wrote for Gatestone Institute on May […]

Trump’s first 100 days: A view from Israel

Trump’s first 100 days: A view from Israel

Special to WorldTribune.com By Norman Bailey The first hundred days of the Trump Administration have passed, and although the figure is arbitrary, this is in fact a good time to comment on the new government in Washington since PA President Abbas has visted Washington and reports indicate a Trump visit to Israel in the near […]

Harvard poll: Millennials hate Trump the man, like many of his policies

Harvard poll: Millennials hate Trump the man, like many of his policies

by WorldTribune Staff, May 9, 2017 Millennials don’t care for the man in the Oval Office, but they seem to support major parts of his agenda, according to a Harvard poll. They also share President Donald Trump’s disdain for the media, said John Della Volpe, polling director at Harvard Kennedy School’s Institute of Politics. The […]

Eight Mexican, and 4 U.S. cities on world’s most murderous list

Eight Mexican, and 4 U.S. cities on world’s most murderous list

Special to WorldTribune.com By Allan Wall The ongoing violence in Mexico is analyzed each year, as number crunchers study previous years’ statistics. It is a morbid undertaking as such statistics deal with numbers representing real people who were homicide victims. So why even study it? It is hoped that the discovery of patterns and trends […]

Conservative surging in critical South Korean election; Column appeals for Trump tweet support

Conservative surging in critical South Korean election; Column appeals for Trump tweet support

by WorldTribune Staff, May 8, 2017 The conservative candidate is making a last-minute comeback in a bitter presidential election showdown in South Korea. The latest polls show conservative candidate Hong Joon-Pyo surging, according to media reports in Seoul and the Wall Street Journal. “About 20 percent of the electorate is still undecided, and an upset […]

Info war specialist: Obama administration weaponized U.S. government to destroy Trump

Info war specialist: Obama administration weaponized U.S. government to destroy Trump

by WorldTribune Staff, May 8, 2017 In an unprecedented move against a presidential successor, former President Barack Obama weaponized the IRS, FBI and Department of Justice to undermine President Donald Trump, according to an information warfare specialist. Dr. J. Michael Waller said that no other president has had their predecessor organize private funds to undermine […]

Surging Kurds see advance in Syria a win for all sides; Turkey is the exception

Surging Kurds see advance in Syria a win for all sides; Turkey is the exception

by WorldTribune Staff, May 8, 2017 Syria’s Kurds, the fighting force that was key in turning the tide against Islamic State (ISIS), are looking to redraw northern Syria to link their autonomous Rojava region with the Mediterranean Sea. Kurds make up the majority of the Syria Democratic Forces (SDF) that is closing in on ISIS’s […]

Texas governor signs law banning ‘sanctuary cities’

Texas governor signs law banning ‘sanctuary cities’

by WorldTribune Staff, May 8, 2017 There will be no “sanctuary cities” in the state of Texas after Gov. Greg Abbott signed a law banning municipalities from shielding illegal aliens from immigration enforcement. Abbott, who designated the ban as an emergency item in January, signed the bill just four days after both chambers of the […]

Comment: Media ignores growing national security threats

Comment: Media ignores growing national security threats

Special to WorldTribune.com By Frank Vernuccio, New York Analysis of Policy & Government newsletter The United States may be heading into one of the most dangerous periods in its history. The Obama Administration’s disinvestment in American national security came at precisely the same time that Russia, China, and North Korea dramatically increased their militaries. Insufficient […]