Trump follows up by phone with China’s Xi, U.S military steps up preparations near North Korea

Trump follows up by phone with China’s Xi, U.S military steps up preparations near North Korea

by WorldTribune Staff, April 12, 2017 In a phone conversation with U.S. President Donald Trump on April 12, Chinese President Xi Jinping stressed that China “is committed to the target of denuclearization” on the Korean peninsula. Trump and Xi spoke just days after their summit at Mar-a-Lago, Florida and amid escalating tensions in the region. […]

China delivers an official warning to North Korea through its state-owned media

China delivers an official warning to North Korea through its state-owned media

by WorldTribune Staff, April 12, 2017 North Korea. Red lines and condemning rogue states is in vogue, so would-be superpower China is getting into the act. In an editorial, China’s Global Times, which is owned and operated by the Communist Party’s People’s Daily newspaper, said Beijing would attack Pyongyang’s nuclear facilities if North Korea crosses […]

Trumped: What the Mar-a-lago summit revealed about the limits of Chinese power

Trumped: What the Mar-a-lago summit revealed about the limits of Chinese power

Special to By Geostrategy-Direct Chinese President Xi Jinping appears not only to have underestimated U.S. President Donald Trump, but also to have exposed Beijing’s weaknesses for the world to see. Trump’s ordered missile strikes on a Syrian airbase on April 6 occurred while conducting a critical summit meeting with Xi at the U.S. president’s […]

As N. Korea threatens nuclear attacks, U.S. calls on China ‘to take additional steps’

As N. Korea threatens nuclear attacks, U.S. calls on China ‘to take additional steps’

by WorldTribune Staff, April 11, 2017 As North Korea warned it has its “nuclear sight focused” on the United States, the Trump administration said it has called on China “to take additional steps” to rein in the Kim Jong-Un regime. President Donald Trump tweeted on April 11: “I explained to the President of China that […]

Art of the deal: Trump played a strong hand in trade talks with Xi

Art of the deal: Trump played a strong hand in trade talks with Xi

by WorldTribune Staff, April 10, 2017 Because China relies on the United States much more than the U.S. depends on China, President Donald Trump “holds the important cards” in the relationship and he played them skillfully in last week’s summit with Chinese President Xi Jinping, analysts say. “Xi clearly hopes that Trump can be talked […]

Team Trump weighs North Korea options as U.S., China hail summit’s trade ‘progress’

Team Trump weighs North Korea options as U.S., China hail summit’s trade ‘progress’

by WorldTribune Staff, April 9, 2017 While hope remains that China will do more to rein in North Korea, the Trump administration has prepared options to deal with the Kim Jong-Un regime that include stationing American nuclear weapons in South Korea and even assassinating the young dictator. Both scenarios were part of an accelerated review […]

A century after the ‘war to end all wars’, U.S. faces high stakes in Syria, Korea standoffs

A century after the ‘war to end all wars’, U.S. faces high stakes in Syria, Korea standoffs

Special to By John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — The parallel crises of Syria and North Korea has forced policymakers to simultaneously concentrate on two geopolitical challenges over which big power interests coincide and may collide. China, Russia and the USA, the primary Powers, along with Britain and France in the chorus, are entrenched […]

U.S. missile strike on Syria punctuated Trump talks with China’s Xi on North Korea

U.S. missile strike on Syria punctuated Trump talks with China’s Xi on North Korea

by WorldTribune Staff, April 7, 2017 U.S. missile strikes on a Syrian airbase came as President Donald Trump and China leader Xi JInping, meeting for the first time, were discussing what should be done about North Korea’s development of weapons of mass destruction. China did not immediately respond to President Donald Trump’s retaliatory strike on […]

Mar-a-lago menu: THAAD and Kim Jong-UN; Powerpoints and hot air

Mar-a-lago menu: THAAD and Kim Jong-UN; Powerpoints and hot air

Special to By Donald Kirk From the outset, the idea of implanting a Star Wars weapon capable of zapping an enemy missile 150 kilometers above the earth’s surface had to be controversial. The real problem from the South Korean viewpoint initially was, what for ― what we really need are short and mid-range missiles […]

China continues to fuel growing Korean crisis; Misled world on coal imports

China continues to fuel growing Korean crisis; Misled world on coal imports

Special to North Korea will figure prominently in President Donald Trump’s summit in South Florida this week with China’s Xi Jinping. By Geostrategy-Direct China is once again abrogating its promises and obligation to implement international sanction regimes against Pyongyang. Beijing has continued its illicit trade with North Korea, allowing the Kim regime to obtain […]