Hot air about the Falkland Islands reaches the UN

Hot air about the Falkland Islands reaches the UN

John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — The Falkland Island Road Show has come to the United Nations, with all the political trappings of drama, hyper-nationalism, and self-righteous moralizing. The focus remains on the future of this windswept British territory in the South Atlantic claimed by, and also once invaded by, neighboring Argentina. Now thirty years […]

Demise of the West: Waiting for Act II, but the stage is empty

Demise of the West: Waiting for Act II, but the stage is empty

Special to By Gregory Copley, Global Information System It would be a mistake to think that the Western economic crisis is being managed toward a successful conclusion; that perhaps it can escape from disaster. Rather, most Western societies have moved closer to the brink of economic — and therefore political and social — instability […]

Technology secrets, highly-valued by slave masters, are more precious for the free

Technology secrets, highly-valued by slave masters, are more precious for the free

Lev Navrozov Before the 1917 revolution in Russia and for a while after it, no one paid attention to the meaning of the words involved, though the meanings of words are decisive in the brain work — in thinking and its conclusions, incarnated in the words of the language of a given nation. In Russian, […]

Britain’s Royal Jubilee — It’s about tradition not celebrity

Britain’s Royal Jubilee — It’s about tradition not celebrity

John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — The world needs a good party and reason to forget, even fleetingly, the conflicts, crises and economic doldrums which have befallen us. Thus Britain’s Diamond Jubilee for Queen Elizabeth II brings us that wistful respite but more importantly a lesson; that tradition trumps trendy, and often celebrity too. The […]

Apologizing to the mullahs but not to Poland

Apologizing to the mullahs but not to Poland

Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Obama has insulted Poland. On Tuesday, Mr. Obama referred to “Polish death camps” during World War II. His comments inflamed Polish public opinion. Mr. Obama has demeaned and degraded the victims of Nazism. He has also exposed his ignorance. The irony is that Mr. Obama’s statements were expressed during a ceremony […]

NATO states announce missile shield already in place

NATO states announce missile shield already in place

Special to Compiled by Miles Yu, NATO took a step forward toward completing a comprehensive ballistic missile shield by announcing that an “interim capability” to destroy incoming missiles was already in operation. “The United States and our European allies are investing in common security and it is an excellent example of the renewed […]

The coming train wreck

The coming train wreck

Sol W. Sanders   [See Archive] Resembling a huge 74-wheeler packed with unassembled goodies, the U.S. is stranded on the world economy grade-crossing with the Euro express gathering speed as it tears down the Trans-Atlantic financial tracks for a seemingly inevitable collision. A police report written by patronizing Harvard economists some time in the dim […]

China demonstrating the will to dominate; West losing the will to resist

China demonstrating the will to dominate; West losing the will to resist

Lev Navrozov From Moscow, the capital of the slave country founded in 1917, I came to New York, to the 21st floor of a skyscraper. The owners of the slave country had created their radio and television and even their own art and philosophy — in short, they created a new culture, with inevitable shortcomings. […]

As West falters, Asia Pacific region emerging as new global economic engine

As West falters, Asia Pacific region emerging as new global economic engine

John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — Despite the persistent economic headwinds which are expected to slow economic expansion this year, “growth in the Asia and the Pacific area remains better than in any other region; continuing as an anchor of stability and a new growth pole for the world economy.” That’s the guardedly optimistic prognosis […]

Putin’s play at democracy is over: The gloves are off

Putin’s play at democracy is over: The gloves are off

Lev Navrozov It seems that quite recently things looked so promising in Russia. In my recent columns, I happily noticed that there are quite a few burgeoning signs of freedom in Russia that were impossible even to think of in my time: freedom of travel, freedom to leave the country, or start your own business. […]