Obama won’t designate ISIL’s slaughter of Mideast Christians as genocide

Obama won’t designate ISIL’s slaughter of Mideast Christians as genocide

Special to WorldTribune.com Though the pope and the UN have designated Islamic State of Iraq and Levant’s (ISIL) slaughter of Mideast Christians as genocide, the Obama administration is not so sure. “My understanding is the use of that word involves a very specific legal determination that has, at this point, not been reached,” White House […]

Congress orders Obama to pave way for his successor – soon

Congress orders Obama to pave way for his successor – soon

Special to WorldTribune.com Under a new law passed by Congress, President Barack Obama must prepare for the transition to his successor. And he must do it soon – perhaps as early as May. The legislation, which the House approved on Feb. 29 and the Senate passed last year, requires Obama to establish a pair of transition […]

Execution of Hamas commander tied to gay sex

Execution of Hamas commander tied to gay sex

Special to WorldTribune.com A Hamas commander was executed last month for “moral turpitude” (homosexuality). Mahmoud Ishtiwi was tortured and then executed on Feb. 7 after at least one terrorist under his command admitted to having sex with him, according to a New York Times report. Ishtiwi, who is survived by two wives and three children, […]

NATO commander: Russia ‘weaponizing’ Syrian immigrants

NATO commander: Russia ‘weaponizing’ Syrian immigrants

Special to WorldTribune.com Russia and the Assad regime are bombing civilian areas in order to create a mass exodus of refugees in what amounts to the “weaponizing” of Syrian citizens, NATO’s top general charged. “Together, Russia and the Assad regime are deliberately weaponizing migration in an attempt to overwhelm European structures and break European resolve,” […]

U.S. Army’s Delta Force begins operations against ISIL in Iraq

U.S. Army’s Delta Force begins operations against ISIL in Iraq

Special to WorldTribune.com Soldiers with the U.S. Army’s elite Delta Force are on the ground in Iraq and have begun missions to capture or kill top Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) operatives. “The only thing I’ll say is the (Expeditionary Targeting Force) is in position, it is having an effect and operating, and […]

Obama’s failed policy in Ukraine: Putin ‘has paid no price’ for invasion

Obama’s failed policy in Ukraine: Putin ‘has paid no price’ for invasion

Special to WorldTribune.com U.S. President Barack Obama’s policy in Ukraine of threatening Russian President Valdimir Putin but taking no substantial action has failed miserably, lawmakers and analysts say. Two years after protests toppled Ukraine’s pro-Moscow government, Obama’s policy languishes amid Putin’s heavy-handed determination, the headline-stealing conflicts in Syria and Iraq and wavering support from European […]

Loss of hundreds of Palestinians’ jobs blamed on boycott Israel movement

Loss of hundreds of Palestinians’ jobs blamed on boycott Israel movement

Special to WorldTribune.com Hundreds of Palestinians have found the boycott Israel movement is hurting them more than Israel. The Israeli soft drinks company SodaStream laid off the last of its Palestinian workers on Feb. 29. The company, under pressure from the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement, closed its plant in a Jewish West Bank […]

U.S. embassy urges evacuation from Mosul as dam catastrophe looms

U.S. embassy urges evacuation from Mosul as dam catastrophe looms

Special to WorldTribune.com The U.S. embassy in Iraq has recommended the evacuation of Mosul out of fear that the Mosul Dam is near collapse. “Out of an abundance of caution, we would like to underscore that prompt evacuation offers the most effective tool to save lives of the hundreds of thousands of Iraqis living in the […]

‘Open the border’: Macedonia repels refugees demand entry from Greece

‘Open the border’: Macedonia repels refugees demand entry from Greece

Special to WorldTribune.com Hundreds of refugees, yelling “open the border” and “we want to go to Serbia,” were repelled by Macedonian police as the migrants attempted to force their way in from the Greek border on Feb. 29. Macedonia sent special police reinforcements by helicopter to its border with Greece as frustrated Iraqi and Syrian […]

Iran hardliner says moderates ‘colluded’ with West

Iran hardliner says moderates ‘colluded’ with West

Special to WorldTribune.com A top Iranian cleric accused moderates of colluding with “foreigners” in the Feb. 27 elections in order to block hard-line appointments to the Assembly of Experts. Sadeq Larijani said reformists and moderates had worked with “American and English media outlets” during the election. “Is this type of coordination with foreigners in order […]