How China used Wendy Sherman visit to subordinate America

FPI / July 28, 2021

By Richard Fisher

On its way to global hegemony the Communist Party of China (CCP) must first subdue and subordinate the United States of America.

In its use of the July 25-26 visit of U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Wendy R. Sherman the CCP made clear this objective.

Chinese state television aired this unflattering image of Deputy Secretary of State Wendy R. Sherman during her July 25-26 visit to Tianjin, China. / CCTV

Sherman was the highest-ranking Biden Administration official to visit China, amid an historic high level of Chinese-American tension that escalated sharply due to the former Trump Administration’s efforts to push back against CCP aggression and overreach, that to the CCP’s great consternation has largely been continued by the Biden Administration.

In an almost daily propaganda barrage the CCP has sought to force its definition of the relationship:

China is now superior to the United States; Problems in the relationship are Washington’s fault; Washington has no moral or legal authority to lecture China; and Washington has no right to defend Taiwan, its allies in Asia or the desirability of democracy.

The first May 18-19 meeting between Chinese and new Biden Administration diplomatic officials in Anchorage, Alaska, was hijacked by the Chinese side to create the spectacle of China upbraiding the U.S. side in front of the world’s media.

Yang Jiechi, former Chinese Foreign Minister and now Politburo Member and highest-ranking Chinese diplomat, used a sharp lecture to condemn U.S. “condescension” and stated, “The United States does not have the qualification to say that it wants to speak to China from a position of strength,” meaning the U.S. is now weaker than China.

It appears that the CCP had little intention of using Sherman’s visit to in any way improve the bilateral relationship, but instead to create another spectacle to advance its main themes and its objective of subordinating the United States.

The CCP likely has long taken the measure of Sherman, a weak diplomat who had a history of seeking agreements that end up helping tyrants.

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