North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un starts 2016 with a bang

North Korea’s Kim Jong-Un starts 2016 with a bang

Special to By John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — Not one week into the New Year, the North Koreans jolted global concerns as well as the Richter scale with a nuclear weapons test. While the underground blast shook the remote Punggye-ri region near the Russian border, the political reverberations of the bomb have been […]

Kerry says done deal with Iran ‘days away’ as key Democrats press Obama for new sanctions

Kerry says done deal with Iran ‘days away’ as key Democrats press Obama for new sanctions

Special to The nuclear deal between Iran and world powers is “days away” from implementation, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry said on Jan. 7. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif “made it clear to me they intend to complete obligations with respect to implementation day as rapidly as possible,” Kerry said. “And we […]

The horrific story from Germany that almost did not see the light of day

The horrific story from Germany that almost did not see the light of day

Special to German officials and the mainstream media almost succeeded in suppressing news of the heinous acts of some 1,000 Arab men on New Year’s Eve. However, social media and the devastated victims of a wave of sexual assaults in Cologne prevented political correctness from burying the story. On Jan. 5, German police announced […]

Egypt wants assurances Israel will keep Turkey away from Gaza

Egypt wants assurances Israel will keep Turkey away from Gaza

Special to The Egyptian government has asked Israel for clarification on talks aimed at repairing relations between Jerusalem and Turkey. Egypt is calling on Israel not to give in to Turkey’s demands on the lifting of the naval blockade on the Hamas-run Gaza Strip, senior clerks in Jerusalem told Haaretz on Jan. 7 on condition of […]

Iraqi immigrant detained in Calif. suspected of lying about ties to terror groups

Iraqi immigrant detained in Calif. suspected of lying about ties to terror groups

Special to An Iraqi refugee is being detained in California on charges he lied to immigration authorities over his ties to terror groups before regaining entry into the United States. Federal Agents in Sacramento arrested Aws Mohammed Younis Al-Jayab, 23, an Iraqi-born Palestinian. Al-Jayab allegedly traveled to Syria “to fight alongside terrorist organizations and […]

Analyst: N. Korea saw Iran ‘gaming the system’, energized by Obama inaction after missile tests

Analyst: N. Korea saw Iran ‘gaming the system’, energized by Obama inaction after missile tests

Special to North Korea conducted another nuclear test after recognizing how Iran was “gaming the system” in the nuclear deal pushed by U.S. President Barack Obama, an analyst said. The Kim Jong-Un regime is continuing a tradition of information- and technology-sharing between North Korea and Iran and using it to “outwit” the U.S. and […]

Israel’s outreach to Saudi Arabia points to cooling rapport with U.S.

Israel’s outreach to Saudi Arabia points to cooling rapport with U.S.

Special to by Dr. Jack Caravelli, Geostrategy-Direct Dore Gold, the Director General of Israel’s foreign ministry and a highly experienced diplomat, in late December gave the ministry’s first ever interview to a Saudi media outlet. Speaking to the Saudi-owned online newspaper Elaph, Gold emphasized the common interests Israel and Saudi Arabia have in blunting […]

More women to come forward with complaints against Bill Clinton

More women to come forward with complaints against Bill Clinton

Special to Several additional women “who’ve been assaulted by Bill Clinton” are set to come forward with accusations against the former president, the author of “The Clintons’ War On Women” said. “I identified 24 women who’ve been assaulted by Bill Clinton,” Roger Stone said on The Sean Hannity Show. “Now some of these women […]

Sisi at Christmas mass: Diversity in traditions are part of ‘God’s norms of life’

Sisi at Christmas mass: Diversity in traditions are part of ‘God’s norms of life’

Special to Egyptian President Abdul Fatah Sisi on Jan. 6 apologized for the torching of Christian churches during the Morsi regime and vowed “the churches will be fully restored this year.” Sisi made the remarks as he, for the second consecutive year, attended the Coptic Christmas mass at Saint Mark’s Orthodox Cathedral. Last year, […]

Stephen Bosworth, ‘consummate diplomat’ brought his values to the table

Stephen Bosworth, ‘consummate diplomat’ brought his values to the table

Special to By Donald Kirk, American ambassadors to South Korea pursue a fine line between defense of the U.S.-Korean alliance and pursuit of North-South reconciliation. If they seem hell-bent on military goals, they’re accused of trying to push Korea into a war that nobody wants. And if they appear overly eager for talks, […]