[Editor’s Note: We have added ‘Breaking‘ as a new feature because . . . Drudge has gone away.]Sir Thomas Sean Connery, the iconic Scottish actor and Hollywood legend who made a name for himself as the first James Bond, has died, according to multiple outlets. He was 90.
Before he was “Bond, James Bond,” Connery was just another kid in a working-class neighborhood in Fountainbridge, Scotland. Born on Aug. 25, 1930, to Joe and Euphamia Connery, “Tommy” ― as he was nicknamed ― spent his first years sleeping in a drawer, as his parents were unable to afford a crib.
“My background was harsh,” Connery has acknowledged. “We were poor, but I never knew how poor till years after.” “It sounds strange to say it now,” he recalled in an interview with The Scottish Sun, “but we never realized we lacked anything!”