Special to WorldTribune.com
By John McNabb
I thought I would never see anything as ugly and disgusting as the Justice Kavanaugh public “lynching” by three Democratic Senators: Feinstein, who just happened to have a People’s Republic of China spy as her office manager for an extended period of time, the thuggish Patrick Leahy and of course “Da Nang Dick” Richard Blumenthal.

It was Blumenthal who lied about serving in Vietnam thereby trashing the honor of real heroes who actually served in Southeast Asia, many of whom lost their lives or came home with permanent physical and mental injuries. I still know people who are dying from the Agent Orange defoliation tactic utilized by President Johnson and the pathetic Democrat hero Robert McNamara.
Fast-forward to the current impeachment farce that has made the histrionics, lies and blasphemous behavior of the Kavanaugh saga seem tame.
The nation will soon see how the Obama White House played a role in allowing clowns James Clapper and John Brennan, our American super spies, destroy the Trump Presidency before it had even started. These are the same brain children who were caught with their trousers at their ankles by the World Trade Center terrorist attack on September 11, 2001.
One of the real problems Americans have is that we are being governed by un-elected bureaucrats who spend their entire lives in the Washington, D.C. swamp parasitically living off the American taxpayer. No symbiosis in D.C., just bureaucratic parasites.
Take for instance the former head of the FBI James Comey. The guy appears to be bought and paid for by the Clinton Cartel.
Look for yourself at his history. I can remember when the FBI was considered a hallowed institution. My former boss and great friend for life North Carolina Governor and United States Senator Terry Sanford was an FBI agent and also a decorated combat hero as a paratrooper during the Battle of the Bulge. A true American hero. I have often wondered what he would have thought about the liars, leakers and fools who were and still are running the FBI.

Yes, I refer to folks like James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Bruce and Nellie Ohr and the smirking and smarmy Peter Strozk. The latter I find especially distasteful. I can promise you that he would never have lasted through spring football practice at Duke under Bill Murray. I would have loved to play nose up against him. I am certain that his ilk would have never showed up for the 1 a.m. briefing and flight planning session prior to a 3 a.m. takeoff with a chaplain giving each aircraft the sign of the cross prior, then crossing the Mekong River into Laos and North Vietnam.
The guy is a pencil pusher. It still amazes me that he could have been so incredibly stupid as to create text and email trails with his FBI girlfriend. Unfounded arrogance. Not very bright, Peter.
I grew up believing in our government, our laws of the land and our institutions. My four grandparents had seven years of schooling and I was the first to attend college, only because of a football scholarship. I paid my own way through two college degrees and had two combat flying tours in Vietnam risking my life for our country.
I started from scratch and built successful companies only to find that our hallowed institutions are becoming a mess.

We have a weaponized set of spy agencies and a politicized military where it appears that the Judge Advocate General Corps is running the show. If a general wants to resign in response to actions of their Commander in Chief then please leave and don’t let the door hit you in the behind.
Wake Up America! Our country is under attack from within!
And look at the “Pay to Play” unseemly grifting and grubbing of the Clintons and the Bidens. That is the only quid pro quo I have seen of late.
The farcical impeachment demonstrates that Nancy Pelosi still has difficulty putting two coherent sentences together unless she is utilizing notes or a teleprompter. That Adam Schiff’s out-of-context parodies are bold faced lies. Harvard Law should be elated about their alumnus product. And America is now taking notice.
The Adam and Jerry (Nadler) comedy is not playing well with our citizens.
But clearly, the Democrats’ impeachment star is Lt. Col. Peter Vindman.

Whether a whistleblower, a leaker or a politicized ideologue he is disgusting to me.
He shows up for his public testimony regaled in his military uniform. A uniform that needs to be let out or he needs to miss a meal or two. And he is not looking like an Army Ranger.
Then he proceeds to tell all what he heard second hand, or feels that his Commander in Chief isn’t abiding by what the bureaucrats think or whatever. He blathered along spending much time talking but not “saying anything” of substance.
I will call him “Windy” going forward.
I assume that “Windy” is representing all Army Rangers. But my guess is that he is clearly not. I believe he is part of the coup d’état trying to remove America’s duly elected 45th President who is his Commander in Chief.
Rob O’Neill, the Navy SEAL who killed Osama bin Laden, sized up Vindman in a tweet: “I wish the left wouldn’t use his uniform to make him a saint. He’s an operative with an agenda.”
Mark Geist, a Marine who fought off terrorists during the 2012 Benghazi terrorist attack on the U.S. annex in Libya, tweeted: “Vindman is a disgrace to all who have served. Transcript of his previous closed door testimony he clearly admits to undermining the @POTUS foreign policy and now he has chairman Schiff advising him on how to answer questions.”
“Windy” was awarded a Purple Heart from injuries inflicted by an IED while in the Middle East, but I have read that he completed his tour. And I read that he was awarded a medal for being in combat.

I received an extra $60 per month for having completed 137 combat missions over Laos and North Vietnam. No one I flew with in the three years and two fighter wings while in Southeast Asia finished their tours with a Purple Heart.
The heroes I flew with were all awarded their Purple Hearts posthumously. I am not a hero. I was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross, but I was just lucky.
I had some Duke teammates and friends who were not as lucky. Bless their souls.
I think about Jerry Huneycutt, a teammate, a fine halfback and a minister’s son who was shot down over Dong Hoi, North Vietnam in weather at night.
I remember W.C. Clay, a fraternity brother and a marine fighter pilot who was shot down over northwest South Vietnam and D.J. Barrett a Marine platoon leader, a teammate and great defensive back who was severely wounded in I Corps and passed away on a hospital ship.
And my Philippines Jungle Survival School roommate, Tom Norman, who also pitched for East Carolina and who was shot down leaving Nha Trang airbase. I had many more friends who did not return from Vietnam. All of these men are American heroes and need to be remembered, not “Windy” Vindman.
John T. McNabb is co-founder of the Trump Leadership Council, vice chairman of the American Leadership Council and former chairman and CEO of Willbros Group. He also serves as chairman of the Free Press Foundation Advisory Board.