A coming Civil War? Liberal hatred may be intent on breaking the nation

A coming Civil War? Liberal hatred may be intent on breaking the nation

Special to WorldTribune.com Jeffrey T. Kuhner Is America sliding toward civil war? This is the ultimate question facing our country in the wake of liberal hysteria and anti-Trump hatred engulfing the left over the migration crisis at the southern border. Rep. Steve King, Iowa Republican and a prominent member of Congress, was recently quoted in […]

Behind the historic invasion from the South: The Left’s desperate quest for Democrat voters

Behind the historic invasion from the South: The Left’s desperate quest for Democrat voters

Special to WorldTribune.com Jeffrey T. Kuhner The Democrats and their media allies have been engaging in one of the greatest lies in U.S. history. They have painted President Trump as a hateful child-abuser, who is deliberately separating illegal alien children from their migrant parents caught illegally crossing into our country. MSNBC and CNN compared the […]

Traitor: John Kerry ends his public service career as it started

Traitor: John Kerry ends his public service career as it started

Special to WorldTribune.com Jeffrey T. Kuhner John Kerry committed treason. The Boston Globe recently revealed that the former secretary of state conducted “shadow diplomacy” with Iran’s foreign minister. The goal: to preserve the 2015 Iran nuclear deal crafted by Kerry and then-President Obama. President Trump announced Tuesday that the U.S. is pulling out of the […]

End game: Why Trump must fire Mueller; Here’s how

End game: Why Trump must fire Mueller; Here’s how

Special to WorldTribune.com Jeffrey T. Kuhner Special Counsel Robert Mueller has declared war on President Trump. His goal is to remove Trump from power at all cost. If the president doesn’t act — and soon — Mueller and his establishment enablers will impeach him, plunging the country into a constitutional crisis. The FBI’s recent raid […]

How Harvard is helping Islamize public school students in tony Boston suburb

How Harvard is helping Islamize public school students in tony Boston suburb

Special to WorldTribune.com Jeffrey T. Kuhner There is something very wrong with the public school curriculum in Newton, Massachusetts. The upscale Boston suburb is becoming ground zero in the insidious effort to Islamize and indoctrinate high school students to despise Israel, America and the West. And it’s all being funded by taxpayer dollars. For several […]

Is checking Trump on U.S.-Russian collaboration really such a good idea?

Is checking Trump on U.S.-Russian collaboration really such a good idea?

Special to WorldTribune.com Jeffrey T. Kuhner The Deep State has won. It got what it wanted: The end of any possible Détente with Russia. President Trump campaigned on restoring U.S.-Russian relations. He has lost that battle — and the consequences are immense both for the world and America. Call it Cold War 2.0. This is […]

Londonistan is the future: PC paralysis in the West will never stop radical Islam

Londonistan is the future: PC paralysis in the West will never stop radical Islam

Special to WorldTribune.com Jeffrey T. Kuhner The Islamic terrorist attack in London represents the future. This is what happens when a nation allows unlimited immigration and Muslim extremism to take root. Multicultural Britain is no match for radical Islam. Like a Trojan horse, the invading enemy has entered within. On Saturday night, Islamists rampaged at […]

Roots: Islam’s deep-seated legacy of slavery vs the new narrative from CNN

Roots: Islam’s deep-seated legacy of slavery vs the new narrative from CNN

Special to WorldTribune.com Jeffrey T. Kuhner Liberals now argue America is — and always has been — a Muslim nation. Their goal is to make Islam an intrinsic part of the American experience, thereby hoping to present any criticism of Islamist behavior as being somehow “Un-American.” Leading the charge is CNN. It recently aired an […]

Free Press Foundation to combat breakdown in American media culture

Free Press Foundation to combat breakdown in American media culture

by WorldTribune Staff, April 5, 2017 America is facing a breakdown in the free press which endangers the nation, say a group of news professionals who are taking action in response. The crisis came glaringly to the forefront during the 2016 presidential election and coverage of the ensuing Trump administration, according to the Internet site […]

Par for the course: The Left lies about Trump’s travel ban

Par for the course: The Left lies about Trump’s travel ban

Special to WorldTribune.com Jeffrey T. Kuhner Liberals lie. That’s what they do. Yet, even by their standards, the Left has reached a new low. For days, protesters have been raging against President Trump’s executive order imposing a temporary travel ban on some Middle Eastern countries. Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren has called it a “Muslim ban” […]