Cognitive dissonance in Seoul over the waving of American flags

Cognitive dissonance in Seoul over the waving of American flags

Special to By Donald Kirk The sight of the American Stars and Stripes among the Taegukgi held high by loyalists to Park Geun-Hye is a reminder of the historical depth of ties among mostly aging Koreans to the country that rescued the South from annihilation by North Korea and China in the Korean War. […]

U.S.-South Korean alliance under assault by a communist tag team

U.S.-South Korean alliance under assault by a communist tag team

Special to By Donald Kirk U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, dispensing pledges like a jolly Santa Claus pulling Christmas presents from his sled, arrives today (Friday) in Seoul from Tokyo and flies the following day to Beijing. After vowing undying U.S. support to Korea and Japan, he’ll assure China that THAAD presents no […]

South Korean intelligence plot to purchase Peace Prize targeted the international media

South Korean intelligence plot to purchase Peace Prize targeted the international media

Special to By Donald Kirk Following is the fifth excerpt from a book by WorldTribune and Geostrategy-Direct columnist Donald Kirk and the Korean author Kim Ki-Sam, “How South Korea’s Kim Dae-Jung bought his Peace Prize and financed Kim Jong-Il’s nuclear program”. While the governments of South Korea and the United States helped suppress publication […]

North Korean state media covered ruling on Park impeachment with ‘unprecedented’ dispatch

North Korean state media covered ruling on Park impeachment with ‘unprecedented’ dispatch

by WorldTribune Staff, March 10, 2017 North Korean state media, notoriously slow when it comes to covering news outside of the country, quickly disseminated the news on March 10 that South Korea’s Constitutional Court had upheld the impeachment of President Park Geun-Hye. The court’s ruling is widely seen as bringing to power a left-leaning government […]

War? Explosive tensions are mounting on the Korean peninsula

War? Explosive tensions are mounting on the Korean peninsula

Special to By Donald Kirk Suddenly the outlook for keeping the peace on the Korean peninsula has taken an alarming turn for the worse. We’ve long been accustomed to the threat of Korean War II, but now it’s looking like more than a scary mirage. China is up in arms over the arrival of […]

Covering the ‘Hermit Kingdom’: An impossible task for real reporters

Covering the ‘Hermit Kingdom’: An impossible task for real reporters

Special to By Donald Kirk To the rest of the world North Korea is an enigma. No one knows what’s happening among the elite who govern the country. There’s no telling what people are really thinking and saying on the streets of Pyongyang and other cities, much less in remote regions. All we get […]

American journalist angered Seoul by exposing huge payment to North Korea for ‘Sunshine’ summit

American journalist angered Seoul by exposing huge payment to North Korea for ‘Sunshine’ summit

Special to By Donald Kirk Following is an excerpt from a book by WorldTribune and Geostrategy-Direct columnist Donald Kirk and the Korean author Kim Ki-Sam, “How South Korea’s Kim Dae-Jung bought his Peace Prize and financed Kim Jong-Il’s nuclear program”. While the governments of South Korea and the United States helped suppress publication of […]

Forgotten takeaway from the killing of Kim Jong-Nam: North Korea’s bio-chemical WMD threat

Forgotten takeaway from the killing of Kim Jong-Nam: North Korea’s bio-chemical WMD threat

Special to By Donald Kirk The poisoning of the half-brother of North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un should make everyone painfully aware of a category of “weapons of mass destruction” that’s overlooked in the controversy over nuclear devices. In all the negotiations, recriminations, talk and double-talk about North Korea’s nuclear menace, little is said about […]

Fake news and false flags: According to Kim Jong-Un, the CIA killed his brother

Fake news and false flags: According to Kim Jong-Un, the CIA killed his brother

Special to By Donald Kirk The assassination of Kim Jong-Nam promises to go down as one of those weird acts of terrorism that North Korea, in the face of all evidence to the contrary, will forever deny having perpetrated. The prevarication and obfuscation in this case would appear a little more ornate than North […]

Part 3: Politicized intelligence, South Korean-style

Part 3: Politicized intelligence, South Korean-style

Special to By Donald Kirk Following is an excerpt from a book by WorldTribune and Geostrategy-Direct columnist Donald Kirk and the Korean author Kim Ki-Sam, “How South Korea’s Kim Dae-Jung bought his Peace Prize and financed Kim Jong-Il’s nuclear program”. South Korea’s first woman president has been impeached over allegations involving a confidante, but […]

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