by WorldTribune Staff, January 5, 2021
An Oklahoma farmer and mother of five with a master’s in biology participated in the Taxpayer March on Washington in September 2009.
What has transpired in the USA since then, particularly in the 2020 election, has prompted her to return to the nation’s capital on Jan. 6 for the “March to Save America”.

Writing for The Federalist on Jan. 5, Jenni White noted of the Taxpayer March it “was amazing to flood the streets of Washington D.C. with hundreds of thousands of other human beings, knowing I wasn’t the only person concerned about the state of the union, its history and trajectory.”
White continued: “Although we left the Washington Mall cleaner than we found it, we came home to hear that not only had corporate media downplayed and lied about the numbers of participants, but according to them we were all middle-America yokels who knew little beyond what we could dig up in our corn fields. We were called disgusting names, criticized, denigrated, and smeared by even President Obama himself.”
White said she joined the local parent-teacher association and became involved in Republican Party politics only to be frustrated by the incompetence and lack of accountability in the institutions.
“For years after that, I simply taught my kids and served my community as a local elected official. Then came Nov. 4, 2020. On this day, I suddenly saw with my own eyes the depth and breadth of the corruption myself and others had tried to push against for so many years unsuccessfully,” White wrote.
“Since that day, I’ve seen legislators and judges ignore significant allegations of wrongdoing, strong reasons for doubting the results, and legitimate evidence of election fraud. I’ve seen congressmen sit quietly and reservedly about the deep concerns of their constituents, presumably too concerned about their committee seats and donors to even croak out words in defense of a republic that was the only one of its kind.”
White continued: “In just a few short weeks I’ve seen the results of all the efforts I’ve ever attempted to uphold my tiny little corner of the world crash into a million pieces. I can never trust a single elected official again. How can I when public officials should have but have not been falling all over themselves to ferret out every single way public trust was violated during this presidential election, knowing that without fair and secure elections in this country, nothing else matters?”
White noted she is “angry because I’ve been playing by the ‘rules’: paying my taxes, being civil and tolerant of my neighbor, accepting without protest the election of past presidents I didn’t support, and never threatening physical violence, using name-calling, canceling careers, using government goons to unlawfully spy to invent reasons for impeachment, or using media to misreport, misrepresent or otherwise create dissension and anger. Yet the other side has carte blanche to do all this and more without condemnation, conviction, or retribution of any kind. … In my view, however, God blessed us with a nation unlike any other ever on this planet that was created to allow individuals more freedom to speak, worship, and live than in any other.”
White concluded: “Our Constitution reserves nearly all power to the people and very little to the government, yet we’ve continually chosen government over freedom in our individual lives to the point we’re now standing at the edge of a very deep precipice from which we may not return. It’s hard not to be angry when confronted with this earth-shattering truth.
“On Jan. 6, I will try one more time. That day I will stand with fellow Americans on the Mall in Washington D.C., where I will once again petition Heaven.”
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