by WorldTribune Staff, September 8, 2021
An independent canvas of the 2020 election in Maricopa County found over 260,000 “lost” and “ghost” votes, according to a report released Wednesday and discussed on Steve Bannon’s War Room.
The response from supporters of restoring election integrity before 2022 was immediate and included calls for decertification.

A statement from former President Donald Trump suggested that after their 2016 shock, Democrats had cheated and “I don’t think they will get away with it.”
Liz Harris, founder of the Voter Integrity Project, organized the canvas which is separate from the Arizona state Senate audit.
The canvas concluded that “two primary categories of ineligible ballots and election mishandling, encompassing hundreds of thousands of votes, render the 2020 General Election in Maricopa County uncertifiable.”
An estimated 173,104 “missing or lost” votes were reported by canvassers who went door-to-door verifying registration and voting information for thousands of residents.
According to the report: “These are American citizens living in Maricopa County who cast a vote, primarily by mail, in the election and yet there is no record of their vote with the county and it was not counted in the reported vote totals for the election. Additionally an estimated 96,389 mail-in votes were cast under the names of registered voters who were either unknown to the residents of the registration address or who were verified as having moved away prior to October 2020.”
A large percentage of in person voters also had “mail-in” ballots counted in the election, the canvas found.
Other irregularities were uncovered during the canvass “at a smaller scale, including votes cast by mail from vacant lots and votes recorded from residents who had not actually voted, the Voter Integrity Project’s report said.
(See the full report here Maricopa-County-Canvass-Report-Final-090721).
“These results are a travesty to our democracy and our voting rights. In addition to impacted local races, such as Maricopa County Board of Supervisors District 1, decided by 403 votes, key statewide race margins are well within the numbers shown above. The Presidential race was
decided by 10,457 votes statewide, and the U.S. Senate election was decided by 78,886 votes statewide,” the report noted.
“We actually went to the homes of the registered voters, and the results are amazing,” said Harris.
“The results in the report are from the last two months of canvassing,” Harris said. “Our questions, they were really simple. What method did you use to vote. Did you receive extra ballots? What did you do with those extra ballots? How many registered voters are supposed to be here, and how many actually voted? Not once do we ask who the person voted for.”
In a Telegram post responding to the findings of the canvas, Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn wrote:
“299,493 IMPACTED VOTES = 1/7th of the 2.089mm total, and this is the low-end estimate.
Liz Harris is discussing the results of their independent canvass. She says that 34% of the people they interviewed – who were on record as having not voted – said they actually DID vote.
That means that 1 in 3 voters had their votes “lost”.
That is a massive number and Arizona should be decertified just on that fact alone.
Not to mention all the other various forms of fraud that occurred.
Harris said she is working on getting all 50 states to do a full canvas.
In a statement for former President Donald Trump, Liz Harrington tweeted:
“We got ’em by surprise in 2016, and they said, ‘We’re never going to let that happen again,’ and they cheated.
“And let’s see whether or not they do get away, because I don’t think they will get away with it.”
— Liz Harrington (@realLizUSA) September 8, 2021
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