More than 12 active lawsuits target DOJ’s year-long ‘stonewalling’ on Russian investigation

More than 12 active lawsuits target DOJ’s year-long ‘stonewalling’ on Russian investigation

by WorldTribune Staff, June 1, 2018 A government watchdog group on May 31 said it has filed a lawsuit “to expose FISA warrant abuses and the continued stonewalling of Congress relating to the Russia investigation.” Judicial Watch said it filed the suit after both the Department of Justice (DOJ) and FBI failed to respond to […]

Haley: Palestinians ‘deserve a better life’ . . . without Hamas

Haley: Palestinians ‘deserve a better life’ . . . without Hamas

by WorldTribune Staff, May 31, 2018 U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley on May 30 slammed the UN Security Council for its failure to condemn Hamas for its recent rocket attacks on Israel. “As I have asked my colleagues before, I will ask you again today. Who among us would accept 70 rockets launched […]

FBI regulations required DOJ to approve Stefan Halper’s mission

FBI regulations required DOJ to approve Stefan Halper’s mission

by WorldTribune Staff, May 31, 2018 Then-FBI Director James Comey violated the bureau’s own rulebook by using Stefan Halper to spy on the Trump campaign, a report said. Halper was a “confidential human source,” an official category of spy that is regulated by the FBI’s domestic investigations directive, Rowan Scarborough reported on May 30 at The […]

‘Looking for something historic’: Pompeo has 3rd sit-down with top N. Korean, this time in NY

‘Looking for something historic’: Pompeo has 3rd sit-down with top N. Korean, this time in NY

by WorldTribune Staff, May 31, 2018 U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on May 30 met for 90 minutes with North Korea’s Kim Yong-Chol, a vice chairman of the ruling Workers’ Party’s Central Committee. With his New York visit, Kim Yong-Chol is the highest-ranking North Korean to visit the U.S. since 2000. Kim and Pompeo […]

Major U.S. operation kills up to 70 Taliban leaders in Afghanistan

Major U.S. operation kills up to 70 Taliban leaders in Afghanistan

by WorldTribune Staff, May 31, 2018 U.S. bombing raids and drone strikes killed up to 70 leaders of the Afghan Taliban this month, the Pentagon announced on May 30. “These strikes represent one of the largest blows to Taliban leadership in the last year,” said Army Gen. John Nicholson, commander of U.S. Forces-Afghanistan. “The cumulative […]

Drudge hits Ambien-makers’ mockery of Roseanne: They ‘drug a generation’

Drudge hits Ambien-makers’ mockery of Roseanne: They ‘drug a generation’

by WorldTribune Staff, May 31, 2018 The founder of the Drudge Report, in a rare editorial comment, called out the makers of Ambien for mocking Roseanne Barr’s suggestion that the tweet which resulted in her show’s cancellation was induced by the insomnia sedative. Matt Drudge slammed drugmaker Sanofi-Aventis on May 30, saying “The drug company […]

Former intelligence official who hit Obama’s Iran and N. Korea policies named to key NSC post

Former intelligence official who hit Obama’s Iran and N. Korea policies named to key NSC post

by WorldTribune Staff, May 31, 2018 National security adviser John Bolton has named intelligence specialist Fred Fleitz as National Security Council (NSC) chief of staff. Fleitz, a former CIA analyst, is the author of “Obamabomb: A Dangerous and Growing National Security Fraud” about the Iran nuclear deal, and “The Coming North Korea Nuclear Nightmare: What […]

Capitol Police handed Imran Awan evidence to defense attorneys instead of prosecutors

Capitol Police handed Imran Awan evidence to defense attorneys instead of prosecutors

by WorldTribune Staff, May 30, 2018 Capitol Police provided evidence in the House IT scandal to Imran Awan’s defense attorneys instead of prosecutors, apparently by accident, a report said. “The cop came to [Awan’s defense attorney] Chris Gowen’s office with a stack of papers … Then he came back and said, ‘I thought you guys […]

NC’s GOP-dominated legislature forbids budget dissent from Democrats, including governor

NC’s GOP-dominated legislature forbids budget dissent from Democrats, including governor

by WorldTribune Staff, May 30, 2018 Republicans are using their veto-proof majority in North Carolina in a first to push through a budget while refusing amendments from Democrats, a report said. NC Senate President Pro Tempore Phil Berger and NC House Speaker Tim Moore have said they plan to hold a vote on the $23 […]

Canceling of ‘Roseanne’ spotlights Disney’s mixed record on apologies to targeted public officials

Canceling of ‘Roseanne’ spotlights Disney’s mixed record on apologies to targeted public officials

by WorldTribune Staff, May 30, 2018 Bob Iger, CEO of the Walt Disney Co., which owns ABC, said canceling “Roseanne” was “the right thing to do” and he personally apologized to Obama administration official Valerie Jarrett. President Donald Trump responded, in a May 30 tweet, asking about his own apologies from ABC: “Bob Iger of […]