by WorldTribune Staff, September 24, 2021
According to information leaked prior to the full release of the state Senate’s audit of Marciopa County’s 2020 election ballots, the number of illegal ballots found in Maricopa County (more than 55,000) is more than four times the reported amount separating President Donald Trump and Joe Biden in Arizona.
In a legal opinion submitted to Arizona state Sen. Wendy Rogers on Sept. 23, attorney Matt DePerno said a state legislature has the power to decertify a national election if fraud is proven.
DePerno wrote the memo in response to an opinion published by an Arizona Senate lawyer who had declared that the Senate could not decertify the election.
“In light of the Behringer Memo, we ask again whether a State Legislature can recall the state electors or decertify a national election upon proof of fraud in the election?” DePerno wrote. “After again considering the constitutional authority of the State Legislature, the Constitution itself, and U.S. Supreme Court authority and precedent, the answer is definitively ‘Yes.’ ”
DePerno continued: “States have authority over their elections, including national elections. ‘Congress has never undertaken to interfere with the manner of appointing electors, or, where (according to the new general usage) the mode of appointment prescribed by the law of the State is election by the people, to regulate the conduct of such election, or to punish any fraud in voting for electors; but has left these matters to the control of the States.‘ In re Green, 134 U.S. 377, 380 (1890) (emphasis added).”
On the eve of the Arizona audit report, Trump issued the following statement:
Why is the Fake News Media continuing on their path of saying, “baseless and disproven lies,” concerning the Presidential Election of 2020, no matter how much evidence they see? These phrases are coordinated propaganda by Lamestream. It is an automatic phrase they use about the 2020 Election Scam when in fact it was just the opposite. The proof is massive and staggering. The Presidential Election of 2020 was Rigged! When the information becomes public, people will see that it wasn’t even close.
I spent virtually no time with Senators Mike Lee of Utah, or Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, talking about the 2020 Presidential Election Scam or, as it is viewed by many, the “Crime of the Century.” Lindsey and Mike should be ashamed of themselves for not putting up the fight necessary to win. Look at the facts that are coming out in Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and other States. If this were Schumer and the Democrats, with the evidence we have of Election Fraud (especially newly revealed evidence), they would have never voted to approve Biden as President, and had they not, all of the mistakes that were made over the last month, which are destroying our Country, would not have happened. Mike Lee, Lindsey Graham, and all of the other Republicans who were unwilling to fight for the Presidency of the United States, which would have included at least an additional four Republican Senators, two in Georgia, one in Michigan, one in Arizona, are letting the Democrats get away with the greatest Election Hoax in history—a total con job!
We are losing our Country! The Democrats are vicious and fight like hell, and the Republicans do nothing about it. RINOs fight harder against Republicans than they do against Democrats. They want to be so politically correct, even if that means losing our Country, which is happening now. The evidence on determinative and wide-ranging Election Fraud is staggering. Your Republican Presidential candidate won in a landslide, but has so little backing from Republican “leadership.” They should be ashamed of themselves. Why don’t they have hearings? Or even if just Republicans had open public sessions, we would all hear the irrefutable facts. Remember, the Fake News Media does not report the truth!
INFORMATION WORLD WAR: How We Win . . . . Executive Intelligence Brief