by WorldTribune Staff, September 29, 2020
It appears Democrat Sen. Chuck Schumer was speaking literally when he said “nothing is off the table” in the Left’s efforts to derail President Donald Trump’s nominee to replace Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court.
As petulant Democrat senators refuse to meet with Amy Coney Barrett prior to her confirmation hearing, Breitbart News reported that the director of a leftist PAC launched a personal attack on Barrett’s children.

John Lee Brougher, managing director of the NextGen America PAC, is behind attacks on Barrett’s adopted children, “roping several Democrat U.S. Senators and Senate candidates into the smears on her family,” Breitbart News reported on Monday.
Brougher questioned the legitimacy of the adoptions Barrett and her husband made of two children from Haiti. Barrett, a devout Catholic, has seven children – five biological and two adopted. Her youngest child also has Down Syndrome.
“As an adoptee, I need to know more about the circumstances of how Amy Coney Barrett came to adopt her children, and the treatment of them since,” Brougher tweeted. “Transracial adoption is fraught with trauma and potential for harm, and everything I see here is deeply concerning.”
After Breitbart News published the story, Brougher’s Twitter account was removed from the public and switched to private.
NextGen America is funded by leftist billionaire Tom Steyer.
Brougher was not the only leftist to level such a smear. Dana Houle, former chief of staff to Democrat Connecticut Rep. Jim Himes, tweeted: “I would love to know which adoption agency Amy Coney Barrett & her husband used to adopt the two children they brought here from Haiti.”
Houle contineud: “So here’s a Q: does the press even investigate details of Barrett’s adoptions from Haiti? Some adoptions from Haiti were legit. Many were sketchy as hell. And if press learned they were unethical & maybe illegal adoptions, would they report it? Or not because it involves her children.”
Houle added: “Would it matter if her kids were scooped up by ultra-religious Americans, or Americans weren’t scrupulous intermediaries and the kids were taken when there was a family in Haiti? I dunno, I think it does, but maybe it doesn’t or shouldn’t.”
Journalist Mollie Hemingway tweeted in response: ” ‘Nice children you’ve got. Shame if something happened to them.’ You know what you’re doing is disgusting. You know it’s indefensible and wrong. Stop doing it immediately. Have the barest amount of decency as a human and stop going after children for political reasons.”
“I want to know what these people think Amy Coney Barrett’s sinister motive would be to adopt kids from Haiti. I mean spell it out. Even if you’re against interracial adoption, what makes you think she’s evil for doing it? I mean come on,” wrote journalist Jonah Goldberg.
“Dems have descended to new low. A dem strategist is actually attacking #AmyConeyBarrett by suggesting something sinister in the adoption of her children from Haiti. Wow. America should never forget this,” added Trish Regan.
Meanwhile, several Democrat senators have said they will not meet with Barrett ahead of her Senate confirmation hearing.
Schumer said on Sunday: “I believe first the whole process has been illegitimate. And second, because she’s already stated that she is for overturning the ACA [Obamacare]. I will not meet with her.”
Democrat Sens. Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut and Maize Hirono of Hawaii are also refusing to meet with Barrett.
“I will oppose the confirmation of Judge Amy Coney Barrett, as I would any nominee proposed as part of this illegitimate sham process, barely one month before an election as Americans are already casting their votes,” Blumenthal said Sunday.
North Carolina Republican Sen. Thom Tillis said Democrats are refusing to meet with Barrett “because they are going to make a circus when they get into the committee. And if they met with Judge Barrett for an hour, they would find it very difficult to go after her the way I think that they are going to. This is an extraordinary mother of seven children. This is going to be the first justice with school-age kids in the history of the United States, incredible academic record, great work as a jurist. A number of people across the ideological spectrum who support her clerked with her. So, I don’t think they want to meet her because if they know her beforehand it’s going to be a lot more difficult to pull off the theater I expect to see on October the 12th.”
Should there be no unexpected defections, Republicans appear to have the numbers to push through the confirmation. Republicans can afford to lose three total votes and have Vice President Mike Pence break a tie.
White House Counsel Jenna Ellis tweeted: “The Senate Democrats should be put on notice that if they ask any constitutionally impermissible question or attack Amy Coney Barrett’s family, the Senate will immediately move for a vote and simply confirm her.”
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