China may be the real winner in Cambodian election

China may be the real winner in Cambodian election

Special to By John J. Metzler PARIS — The very name Cambodia evokes tragic memories and historical passions. This small Southeast Asian land which was ravaged by the communist Khmer Rouge genocide a generation ago, then occupied by neighboring Vietnam, and later, resuscitated back to life by a long forgotten United Nations peacekeeping and […]

‘Notorious’ RBG: Equal rights for women but not unwanted ‘populations’

‘Notorious’ RBG: Equal rights for women but not unwanted ‘populations’

Special to By Loredana Vuoto Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg is “notoriously” celebrated for championing equal rights for women. But the philosophy that launched her career and turned her into a liberal icon does not apply to the unborn and other unwanted people. “RBG” — the latest documentary that portrays Ginsburg as a “superhero” — […]

U.S., as it did with North Korea, is applying maximum pressure on Iran

U.S., as it did with North Korea, is applying maximum pressure on Iran

Special to By Geostrategy-Direct Iran is getting a taste of the maximum pressure strategy used by U.S. President Donald Trump that brought North Korea to the negotiating table. As the U.S. is set to impose sanctions on the Islamic Republic, Trump and Iranian President Hassan Rouhani exchanged heated rhetoric after which Trump followed up […]

Libya then and now: Benghazi ignited Americans’ distrust in their government

Libya then and now: Benghazi ignited Americans’ distrust in their government

Special to, August 1, 2018 By John McNabb In 2007 just before the November presidential election, I was serving as Chairman of an international energy contractor that had been in existence for over one hundred years and had operated in over sixty countries during that span. Some of my senior team accompanied me on […]

Trump’s unpredictable trade tactics rally Europe as China sit-down awaits

Trump’s unpredictable trade tactics rally Europe as China sit-down awaits

Special to By John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — With trade and tariff polices shifting like the proverbial weathervane, the Trump Administration has confused and confounded even many close trading partners, Europe, Canada and Japan among them. This may be the Donald’s tactic in his wider strategy of getting fairer trade and better “deals” […]

New standard of journalistic excellence: Effectiveness at degrading Trump

New standard of journalistic excellence: Effectiveness at degrading Trump

Special to By Grace Vuoto Members of the American press corps are less interested in doing their job than they are in humiliating President Donald Trump. Their opposition to his policies is tainting their performance — and embarrassing us on the world stage. In Helsinki, at a historic July 16 summit between Trump and […]

Global scorecard for innovation: Switzerland at top, China rising, N. Korea and Cuba unlisted

Global scorecard for innovation: Switzerland at top, China rising, N. Korea and Cuba unlisted

Special to By John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — Not surprisingly the countries leading in Research & Development are among the world’s most successful economies. Switzerland, the Netherlands, and Sweden top the list among the top ten global innovation economies which also include the United Kingdom, Singapore, the United States, Finland, Germany and Ireland. […]

Europe’s terrorism nightmare: Those required to notice explain that all is well

Europe’s terrorism nightmare: Those required to notice explain that all is well

Special to By Alexander Maistrovoy In 1983, Robert Irwin wrote a fantasy novel “The Arabian Nightmare” about a young Englishman who was dragged into a whirlwind of sinister and ridiculous events in Cairo. The Arabian nightmare he learned was like a disease or a curse. It was terrible and obscene and monotonous, yet fearful. […]

Trump’s triumph in Helsinki against outdated globalists at home and abroad

Trump’s triumph in Helsinki against outdated globalists at home and abroad

Special to Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Trump has achieved a remarkable victory. For over 25 years, the foreign policy establishment — an alliance of neoconservatives and liberal internationalists — has imposed its will on America and the world. At Helsinki and the NATO summit, Trump overturned that agenda. This is the real reason why […]

Transatlantic divide; NATO then and now

Transatlantic divide; NATO then and now

Special to By John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — Donald Trump’s rhetorical thunderclap at the start of the NATO Summit sent political reverberations throughout allied capitals and put the pundits into overdrive as to what immeasurable damage the American president had caused while in Brussels. Indeed while chiding European allies on their woeful shortfalls […]