GREATEST HITS, 8 — Part 7: Real sex crimes documented with Biden laptop

Top stories of 2024

No. 8, December 30, 2024 

[Congratulating readers, editors and correspondents this Christmas Holiday season for 26 years of continuous, daily publication. Let the future begin! — The Editors]


Special to WorldTribune, April 15, 2024

[Seventh in a series of excerpts from Report on the Biden Laptop‘ by the Marco Polo Research Group, founded by former Trump White House official Garrett Ziegler.*]

The sex-related crimes on the Biden Laptop were not so-called “victimless crimes.” The international human trafficking and pimp networks that Hunter patronized need to be exposed and will hopefully, in time, be stomped out.

The receipts in this section are provided not to shame anyone but Hunter and Joe. The pimps need to be outed so that law enforcement has no excuse but to finally do their job.

‘During a session with “beccacastle” on, Hunter, via his username “temujin01,” repeatedly “buzzed” the female and “tipped” her with “tokens.” / Report on the Biden Laptop

In addition, the following section was written to prove — once again — that the “Public Statement” from former spooks and bureaucrats on 10/19/2020 was pure election interference. The despicable people who authored that “Statement” did the exact thing they accused imaginary Russian hackers of doing: spewing lies and false statements in order to influence the outcome of an election. ….

Hunter’s webcams

Hunter’s addiction to “webcam” sites fueled his sex addiction. Based on his voluminous Internet browser history, emails, and text messages, Hunter began many evenings by patronizing women on these webcam sites and proceeded to solicit prostitutes on his own accord or through his network of pimps. ….

Hunter was proud of his sexual conquests and human trafficking exploits, and he set his username on multiple websites to mirror Genghis Khan’s birth name: “Temujin” and “temujin01.” ….

Hunter’s pornography addiction was certainly exacerbated by the milieu of his hometown. Wilmington was ranked third in the nation for pornography consumption, a fact which his associate praised: “I’m proud to see reports that Wilmington residents still have their priorities in order … I still have my Dad pay for my Internet Bill and Usage so technically I’m also still contributing to our success.”

Honor their memory: The ‘shot heard round the world’

Hunter also created and maintained multiple usernames (and his main pornography email address, based on an action figure from the Star Wars series: “Droidhunter309.” Hunter also spent lavishly on pornography websites; his credit card would often get declined. He then would change the card on file for the website to another card associated with his Owasco business accounts [earlier section of Reporton the Biden Laptop]

The table below features the date and amount that Hunter spent on just two of his favorite sex websites, which is similar to the amount a minimum wage worker in Indiana brought home in 2021:

[The following two footnotes are directly relevant to this excerpt

959 NOTE: The table contains only those transactions for which confirmed receipts were stored on the Biden Laptop.

960 “Women in the commercial sex industry are expected to perform acts that are physically and emotionally damaging. A study of 854 women from nine countries showed that 47% had been harmed by men who had either forced or tried to force them to do things that they had seen in porn. Traffickers benefit from porn films and men who desire to live out a fantasy at the expense of innocent women. In fact, sex traffickers use porn as a training method. Women who are forced into the sex trade are shown what they should expect and how they should behave with a man. The viciousness that lives within a sex trafficking venue is disheartening, but it is something that should be discussed. Only by coming to terms with the reality of sex trafficking will we understand the urgency to combat it. … Some may purchase commercial sex due to sex addiction, which is defined as ‘engaging in persistent and escalating patterns of sexual behavior acted out despite increasing negative consequences to self and others.’” See Stephanie Sandoval, “The Connection Between Adult Entertainment and Sex Trafficking,” Qualified Women, May 2017,

AP will not publish this series. You can with FPI.

* The voluminous footnotes for ‘Report on the Biden Laptop‘ are available online and with the purchased edition.

For The Record

Part 1: The DOJ ‘has utterly failed at its mission’ as documented by the Biden laptop

Part 2: What the FBI did with the Biden laptop and other U.S. officials’ electronic devices

Part 3: ‘Tip of the FBI spear’ managed the 2020 ‘assessment’ of the Biden laptop

Part 4: Coverup of the ‘modern Rosetta Stone’ by former spooks and the media oligopoly

Part 5: Part 5: Hunter’s state of mind, those Bank of China wire transfers and the all-important timeline

Part 6 — ‘Thick fog of lies’: After Biden laptop report, prosecutors ‘now have no excuse’

Part 7: Real sex crimes documented from Biden laptop; Hunter’s webcams

Part 8: Part 8: Participant-observer Hunter Biden reveals dark world of human trafficking

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