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Monday, July 12, 2010     FOR YOUR EYES ONLY

U.S. embassy staff in Beirut need bodyguards, armored vehicles when leaving compound

WASHINGTON — The United States, despite expanded security assistance programs, remains severely limited in Lebanon.


Officials said U.S. embassy staffers remain largely confined to their offices and residential compound near Beirut. They said embassy staffers travel only in armored personnel carriers amid threats of insurgency attack.

"It limits everything we do," a senior U.S. diplomat said.

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Officials said U.S. employees from outside Lebanon must live on the embassy compound. They said the compound was operating at full capacity and could not be expanded.

Since 2006, the United States has relayed more than $525 million in military and security aid to Lebanon, Middle East Newsline reported. The assistance was meant to modernize and expand Lebanon's military and Internal Security Force.

But the programs have not helped protect U.S. staffers, who could only leave the embassy with bodyguards and armored vehicles. Officials said the embassy lacked the resources to maintain required operations, including supervision of U.S. programs in Lebanon.

Officials cited the U.S. Agency for International Development. AID's program in Lebanon has been managed by two staffers, they said, far fewer than in other countries.

"All too often, requests for official visits to Lebanon end up being denied, simply because there is not sufficient space to house the visitors," a Senate Foreign Relations Committee report said.

The U.S. embassy has been negotiating to purchase property for a new compound. Officials said construction could begin over the next two years.


Unfortunately, General George Marshall was right. "In 1948, several members of Harry Truman's Cabinet predicted that the creation of a Jewish state in the Middle East would spur Arab violence against Jews and Americans, advising the president to shun Israel. These included Secretary of State George Marshall, Defense Secretary James Forrestal, and George Kennan, then the leading policy strategist in the State Department. They argued that if the United States helped to set up an independent Jewish nation it would provoke terrorist attacks on Americans and inaugurate an endless war between Arabs and Jews." (Does Israel Make Us Safer? by Thaddeus Russell/ )

luc      7:37 a.m. / Tuesday, July 13, 2010

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