Sacrosanct social safety net: Why devout Catholic Paul Ryan threatens cafeteria Catholics

Sacrosanct social safety net: Why devout Catholic Paul Ryan threatens cafeteria Catholics

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Rep. Paul Ryan poses a mortal threat to our social safety net. This is the argument being made against him by many liberal Catholics. It will be the next wave of the left’s assault on the Republican ticket after Mitt Romney’s decision to choose Mr. Ryan as his running mate. The attack […]

Sean Penn, the latest lightweight, hypocritical celebrity traitor

Sean Penn, the latest lightweight, hypocritical celebrity traitor

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Sean Penn loves dictators, especially if they are anti-American leftists. Recently, the Hollywood star visited Venezuela to campaign for strongman Hugo Chavez. Mr. Penn joined Mr. Chavez at a major rally in the city of Valencia. The actor has been a longtime friend of the despot. With Venezuelans going to the polls […]

Dirty Harry, dirty Democrats

Dirty Harry, dirty Democrats

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Democrats are accusing Mitt Romney of being a criminal. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid claims the presumptive Republican presidential nominee has not paid taxes in 10 years. What is Mr. Reid’s source for this explosive allegation? He states it is an “anonymous” investor in Bain Capital. Leave aside that a Bain investor […]

The gay agenda for Christians vs the gay agenda for Islamists

The gay agenda for Christians vs the gay agenda for Islamists

Jeffrey T. Kuhner The homosexual lobby wants to outlaw Christianity. This is the real meaning behind the uproar over Chick-fil-A. The chicken sandwich franchise has become a lightning rod for the culture war. Liberals despise it; conservatives back it. Supporters of gay marriage want to prevent the Atlanta-based chain from expanding, demanding new restaurant permits […]

Congressional probe of Arpaio evidence could dwarf Watergate

Congressional probe of Arpaio evidence could dwarf Watergate

Jeffrey T. Kuhner This column was published orginally by and The Washington Times National Weekly. America may be facing a constitutional crisis. Sheriff Joe Arpaio of Maricopa County, Ariz., has made a startling declaration: President Obama’s birth certificate is fraudulent. If true — and I stress if — then this scandal dwarfs Watergate. In […]

Bury Lenin, skip the state honors and hold his cult accountable

Bury Lenin, skip the state honors and hold his cult accountable

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Finally, Russians are considering burying Vladimir Lenin. Since his death in 1924, the Bolshevik leader’s embalmed body has been lying in a glass coffin in a mausoleum on Moscow’s Red Square. For many, he is the shining symbol of Soviet communism — a martyr to the utopian cause of socialist revolution. However, […]

Our revolutionary Supreme Court and the rise of Socialist America

Our revolutionary Supreme Court and the rise of Socialist America

Jeffrey T. Kuhner We now live in post-constitutional America. The rule of law has been replaced with arbitrary centralized government. The republic is dead. It has been strangled by President Obama and the Supreme Court. Upon its ruins, a socialist empire is being erected. This is the real meaning of the court’s recent decision to […]

Just what we needed …. our own Hugo Chavez?

Just what we needed …. our own Hugo Chavez?

Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Obama is gradually transforming America into a socialist authoritarian state. This is the real meaning of his recent decision to grant backdoor amnesty to young illegal immigrants. Mr. Obama is behaving like a Latin American strongman, who asserts arbitrary power and ignores the rule of law. He is assaulting the very […]

Madonna does her part to justify jihadism

Madonna does her part to justify jihadism

Jeffrey T. Kuhner American popular culture is a moral sewer. It celebrates drugs, pornography, abortion, mindless violence, street thugs, sexual promiscuity, homosexuality, hedonism and even cannibalism. For the past 25 years, one of its cultural icons has been Madonna. The singer has limited talent. The key to Madonna’s success has not been her voice or […]

The media’s birth certificate hypocrisy

The media’s birth certificate hypocrisy

Jeffrey T. Kuhner The liberal media is finally looking into the birth certificate issue — Mitt Romney’s that is. Reuters extensively investigated the presumptive Republican nominee’s background, and concluded that he was born on U.S. soil and qualifies as a “natural born citizen.” This follows the press corps’ relentless examination of Mr. Romney’s past: his […]

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