Surrender: Republicans betrayed their own limited-government precepts

Surrender: Republicans betrayed their own limited-government precepts

Jeffrey T. Kuhner The Republican Party has capitulated to President Obama’s redistributionist tax agenda. Mr. Obama has won a significant victory. He has broken Republican ranks and effectively co-opted much of the GOP opposition. The Republican Party, especially House Speaker John A. Boehner and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, will rue the day. Many House […]

2012 marked end of American greatness

2012 marked end of American greatness

Jeffrey T. Kuhner This year has been a turning point in American history. Our constitutional republic is dying. President Obama’s re-election was more than a victory for liberalism. It represented America’s collective suicide — a national push into a fiscal, cultural and moral abyss. We are sliding toward Greece. Mr. Obama won despite chronic high […]

Armed citizens, self-government and the U.S. Constitution

Armed citizens, self-government and the U.S. Constitution

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Liberals have declared war on gun rights. Following the mass shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., gun-control zealots have seized on the murder of 20 children and 6 adults to push their long-time goal: rolling back the Second Amendment. The bodies of the victims were not even cold before […]

Surrender is not a strategy: What the GOP needs is principled leadership

Surrender is not a strategy: What the GOP needs is principled leadership

Jeffrey T. Kuhner The long knives are out. Liberal and some neoconservative pundits are claiming the Republicans lost the 2012 presidential election for one basic reason: They have become the party of yesterday’s America. The GOP is supposedly too old, too white and too male; it allegedly appeals to a shrinking fragment of the electorate. […]

Republicans are about to drink the amnesty kool-aid

Republicans are about to drink the amnesty kool-aid

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Republicans are on the verge of committing suicide. In the wake of President Obama’s re-election, many conservatives are demanding the GOP embrace amnesty for illegal aliens. The official term is “comprehensive immigration reform.” Sean Hannity has now “evolved” on the issue. Others — Dick Morris, Charles Krauthammer and The Wall Street Journal’s […]

Obama has remade America in his image

Obama has remade America in his image

Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Obama has succeeded in transforming America. The constitutional republic is dead. A socialist empire has been born. This is the true meaning — and historical significance — of the Nov. 6 election. From the outset of his presidency, Mr. Obama vowed to be a “transformative” leader. His re-election shows that he […]

Benghazi: Obama knew

Benghazi: Obama knew

Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Obama has been caught in a web of deception — one that threatens to ensnarl his re-election bid. Multiple e-mails and diplomatic cables reveal that the administration deliberately deceived the public. Libyagate now haunts Mr. Obama, relentlessly eroding his credibility and trustworthiness. It is a stake aimed at the heart of […]

Thugocracy: From messianiac to Nixonian

Thugocracy: From messianiac to Nixonian

Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Obama is losing the trust of the American people. In fact, his administration is collapsing under the weight of its numerous lies and false statements. The result: Mr. Obama’s credibility is eroding, his popularity dwindling. The electorate is slowly but decisively turning against him. The administration has been caught in a […]

A national disgrace: Clinton’s real legacy, a disaster America is still paying for

A national disgrace: Clinton’s real legacy, a disaster America is still paying for

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Former President Bill Clinton has emerged as a hero to many Americans, especially liberals. He has become a Democratic icon, a deeply beloved figure. This is why he was tapped to give the nomination speech for President Obama’s re-election at the Democratic National Convention. The delegates in Charlotte loved it. The reason […]

How the media treats Joe Biden and how it treats Todd Akin: Who are the real extremists?

How the media treats Joe Biden and how it treats Todd Akin: Who are the real extremists?

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Vice President Joseph R. Biden is mentally unstable, and it’s time for Republicans to point it out. For years, Mr. Biden has been making outrageous comments that reveal not only his low intelligence, but also a dangerous detachment from reality. Yet the liberal media refuse to hold him accountable. Instead, their rationalization […]

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