Much worse than Watergate: Americans need a fullscale investigation of Benghazi

Much worse than Watergate: Americans need a fullscale investigation of Benghazi

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Benghazi may turn out to be President Obama’s Watergate. The scandal is a growing cancer on the administration, threatening its very existence. The more information comes out, the more damning it is. This is why Democrats — and their media allies — are desperately trying to sweep the truth under the rug. […]

Immigration and the end of the Republican Party

Immigration and the end of the Republican Party

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Republicans may be committing a fatal error. During its proud history, the GOP has embraced heroic causes decrying slavery, preserving our union, defending modern capitalism, opposing Soviet communism and protecting unborn children. It is a seminal institution that has been pivotal in forging a free and prosperous America. If wiser heads do […]

Secular McCarthyism: Tyranny by elites threatens the sacred status of marriage and life itself

Secular McCarthyism: Tyranny by elites threatens the sacred status of marriage and life itself

Jeffrey T. Kuhner The homosexual lobby is on the verge of a historic victory. The potential consequences will be calamitous for democracy and the family. It will usher in a brave new world marked by cultural decadence and judicial tyranny. Traditional America will be smashed — probably forever. This week, the Supreme Court heard two […]

Pope Francis I and the Vatican’s shift from an increasingly Godless West

Pope Francis I and the Vatican’s shift from an increasingly Godless West

Jeffrey T. Kuhner The Roman Catholic Church has chosen a new leader: Pope Francis I. The Holy See has a new kind of pope. He is the first South American and Jesuit to occupy the office. He is the shepherd — the spiritual head of more than 1 billion Catholics — who now has the […]

Mr. Paul goes to Washington and draws blood on both sides of the aisle

Mr. Paul goes to Washington and draws blood on both sides of the aisle

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Sen. Rand Paul has lit a fuse, one that threatens to blow up President Obama’s secret drone program. The Kentucky Republican on Wednesday held a nearly 13-hour filibuster opposing John O. Brennan’s nomination as CIA director. Mr. Paul’s action was prompted by a shocking admission from the administration: Namely, Attorney General Eric […]

The West’s moral champion waged a non-stop battle against moral relativism

The West’s moral champion waged a non-stop battle against moral relativism

Jeffrey T. Kuhner The resignation of Pope Benedict XVI has sent shock waves throughout the Catholic world — and rightly so. The Holy Father’s eight-year reign was very successful. With his announcement that he will be stepping down at the end of February, the church must find a suitable successor. It will be difficult. Pope […]

Consequences of a nuclear Iran: What if U.S. had encouraged the 2009 revolution?

Consequences of a nuclear Iran: What if U.S. had encouraged the 2009 revolution?

Jeffrey T. Kuhner According to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, it’s official: Iran has become a nuclear power. The respected Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported that the Persian strongman this week at an Islamic conference in Cairo told an Egyptian daily Iran is a “nuclear country.” If true — and I stress if — then this is […]

California dreaming: ‘Immigration reform’ will lead to a one-party state

California dreaming: ‘Immigration reform’ will lead to a one-party state

Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Obama is on the verge of completing his socialist revolution. Remarkably, he is about to be aided and abetted by some Republicans — including leaders of the Tea Party. Who says politics doesn’t make for strange bedfellows? At a recent major policy speech in Las Vegas, Mr. Obama pushed for comprehensive […]

Hollywood Hillary: Benghazi performance was worthy of an Oscar

Hollywood Hillary: Benghazi performance was worthy of an Oscar

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton is a national embarrassment. In congressional testimony this week, Mrs. Clinton — under oath — repeatedly deceived the public about her role in the Benghazi terrorist attacks. Although claiming “full responsibility” for the breakdown in security, she in fact evaded culpability at every turn. She delivered […]

From the rule of law to rule by Big Brother

From the rule of law to rule by Big Brother

Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Obama is abusing his power and usurping congressional authority. He is replacing the rule of law with arbitrary rule, ignoring the constitutional limits upon his power. This is the real meaning of his assault on the Second Amendment. On Wednesday, Mr. Obama released his proposals to curb gun violence in the […]

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