Best of Lev, 2012: China demonstrating will to dominate as West loses the will to resist

Best of Lev, 2012:  China demonstrating will to dominate as West loses the will to resist

Lev Navrozov From Moscow, the capital of the slave country founded in 1917, I came to New York, to the 21st floor of a skyscraper. The owners of the slave country had created their radio and television and even their own art and philosophy — in short, they created a new culture, with inevitable shortcomings. […]

The militarization of a China its rulers want you to think is just a peaceful, growing economy

The militarization of a China its rulers want you to think is just a peaceful, growing economy

Sol W. Sanders As the Chinese and the Americans sat down for the seventh of their annual two-day meeting [June 22-24], set up in 2009 to maintain bilateral cooperation despite growing differences, a major transformation of the Chinese regime was a new and worrying factor. Secretary of State John Kerry and Treasury Secretary Jack Lew […]

Were spies endangered by Russia, China access to Snowden files?

Were spies endangered by Russia, China access to Snowden files?

Special to by Dr. Jack Caravelli, Geostrategy-Direct The Sunday Times report that Britain was pulling its spies out of hostile nations because their identities may have been compromised by Russian and Chinese access to the Snowden files raised an immediate question: What actions have the CIA taken to protect its spies? Its case officers […]

After its disastrous diplomacy with North Korea, why is U.S. pushing for an Iran deal?

After its disastrous diplomacy with North Korea, why is U.S. pushing for an Iran deal?

Special to By Parris H. Chang Last month on May 20, the Defense Commission of North Korea (DPRK) claimed that the nation had built nuclear weapons small enough to be delivered by missiles. A statement carried by Pyongyang’s official news agency, KCNA, asserted that the DPRK’s nuclear capacity have entered the stage of producing […]

China cyber attack stole data dating back 25 years, may have impacted military and intelligence officials

China cyber attack stole data dating back 25 years, may have impacted military and intelligence officials

Special to China’s recent hacking of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) included millions of personnel files that go back at least 25 years. Rep. Barbara Comstock of Virginia, who worked in the Justice Department during the George W. Bush administration, said the hacking scandal could make potential federal employees skittish about working […]

Potential Israeli dilemmas: one Saudi, one Chinese

Potential Israeli dilemmas: one Saudi, one Chinese

Special to By Norman Bailey Recently the persistent rumors of informal talks between Israeli and Saudi officials were confirmed. Such meetings have been taking place for a long time and continue. Israel and Saudi Arabia, as well as some of the Gulf states, notably Kuwait, Bahrain and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) share fundamental […]

Kuhner: Obamatrade would destroy America

Kuhner: Obamatrade would destroy America

Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Obama is on the verge of creating the New World Order. He is using Trade Promotion Authority — otherwise known as “fast track” — to pass his globalist dream: the Trans-Pacific Partnership, a sweeping 12-nation trade pact. The TPP, however, is much more than about “free trade.” It is a deliberate […]

Pakistan, China move quickly on economic corridor from Gwadar port over India’s objections

Pakistan, China move quickly on economic corridor from Gwadar port over India’s objections

Special to GIS/Defense & Foreign Affairs Pakistan Chief of Army Staff Gen. Raheel Sharif on June 10, 2015, assured the People’s Republic of China (PRC) that there would be no hurdles in the completion of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) project, adding that maximum security was put in place for completion of the project. […]

PRC White Paper expands integration of military, civilian sectors

Special to By Willy Lam, Much of the discussion of the People’s Liberation Army’s just-released White Paper — China’s Military Strategy — has focused on a leap forward in China’s global hard-power projection, particularly new emphasis being put on enhanced naval, space and cyberwarfare capacities. Equally important for the long-term development of the […]

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