U.S., Asian allies harden stance against China’s maritime ambitions

U.S., Asian allies harden stance against China’s maritime ambitions

Special to WorldTribune.com By Backgrounder, Geostrategy-Direct.com China’s claim of more than 90 percent of the entire South China Sea has awakened the United States to the implications and prompted tough talk. The discovery of China’s massive sand-pumping operation to create man-made islands in the middle of the South China Sea came as a major shock […]

Ironies abound in Subic Bay and Vietnam: U.S. Navy welcomed back with open arms

Ironies abound in Subic Bay and Vietnam: U.S. Navy welcomed back with open arms

Special to WorldTribune.com By Donald Kirk, East-Asia-Intel.com SUBIC BAY, Philippines ― The presence here of the USS Shiloh, a cruiser laden with missiles and cannon, reminds visitors of a bygone era. It was almost 25 years ago that the U.S. Navy had to abandon Subic Bay and the U.S. Air Force evacuated Clark Air Base, […]

America’s crucial credibility abroad declines with the loss of trust — and respect

America’s crucial credibility abroad declines with the loss of trust — and respect

Special to WorldTribune.com by Dr. Jack Caravelli, Geostrategy-Direct The retrenchment of U.S. foreign policy under Barack Obama is triggering major changes in relations with formerly stout allies around the globe. In Europe, Asia and the Middle East, trust in the Obama administration among U.S. allies is at an all-time low and reflected in numerous policy […]

Showdown: U.S. spots weapons systems on Chinese-made island

Showdown: U.S. spots weapons systems on Chinese-made island

Special to WorldTribune.com U.S. Defense Secretary Ashton Carter has called on China to stop construction on artificial islands in the South China Sea as U.S. surveillance showed Chinese artillery positioned on one of the islands. Carter said on May 27 that China’s action of reclaiming 2,000 acres of land where military bases are being built […]

Xi’s groups of economic advisers render Premier Li powerless

Xi’s groups of economic advisers render Premier Li powerless

Special to WorldTribune.com By Willy Lam, EastAsiaIntel.com China’s momentous “One Belt, One Road” (OBOR) strategy — a reference to the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road — has further illustrated the declining political fortunes of Premier Li Keqiang. Although Li is ranked second on the supreme Chinese Communist Party Politburo […]

China raising its stake in UAE oil fields

China raising its stake in UAE oil fields

Special to WorldTribune.com The state oil company of China has been awarded a major onshore oil contract by United Arab Emirates. China Petroleum Engineering and Construction Corporation (CPECC), part of state-run PetroChina, won the $330 million contract for development of Abu Dhabi’s Mender oilfield, according to Beijing’s state-owned Xinhua news agency. Officials said China, which […]

Best of Lev: China demonstrating the will to dominate; West losing the will to resist

Best of Lev: China demonstrating the will to dominate; West losing the will to resist

Lev Navrozov, May 18, 2012 Lev Navrozov emigrated from the Soviet Union with his family in 1972. He so cherished the freedom of press he found here that he dedicated his remaining years to alerting otherwise-oblivious Americans to the global context of news. From Moscow, the capital of the slave country founded in 1917, I […]

India, South Korea and U.S. find themselves on same side in the Great Game for Asia

India, South Korea and U.S. find themselves on same side in the Great Game for Asia

Special to WorldTribune.com By Donald Kirk, East-Asia-Intel.com Two very different visitors crossed paths in Seoul this week. U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi bumped into each other after calling on President Park Geun-Hye at the Blue House. They’re old pals. Kerry and Modi have met in New Delhi and […]

Rubio outlines a compelling foreign policy vision in sharp contrast with Obama’s

Rubio outlines a compelling foreign policy vision in sharp contrast with Obama’s

Special to WorldTribune.com By John J. Metzler NEW YORK — In a stirring and substantive foreign policy address, Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) presented his presidential vision for a new America. Calling for transformative leadership in the 21st century, the Republican primary hopeful spoke passionately about the need for a reinvigorated American policy posture at a […]

Good guys, bad guys in NE Asia high tech war race: What could go wrong?

Good guys, bad guys in NE Asia high tech war race: What could go wrong?

Special to WorldTribune.com By Donald Kirk, East-Asia-Intel.com The stakes are escalating in the contest for Northeast Asia. North Korea’s got nukes and lots of missiles, most recently maybe the SLBM for submarine-launched ballistic missile. The U.S. has glistening new hardware too. THAAD, Terminal High-Altitude Area Defense, the missile system for Star Wars, is capable, they […]

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