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Tuesday, June 21, 2011     GET REAL

Israel urged to diversify energy resources

JERUSALEM — The Israeli government has been warned against relying on hopes of acquiring large energy reserves in the Mediterranean Sea.


Nearly 100 former defense officials have sent a letter to the government that warned against basing Israel's energy policy on the prospect of recovering large natural gas resources from the Mediterranean.

The officials said Israel's natural gas exploration and development infrastructure would become an immediate target in any future war.

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"It is clear to every Israeli that the offshore rigs have become a strategic target for Israel's enemies and that the Israel Defense Forces, like any other army, cannot guarantee it full immunity since it does not depend on the military's capability or technology, but on the very nature of the mission," the letter, sent to senior Israeli ministers, said.

Israel has drafted a policy of exploring for or importing gas to replace diesel as the fuel for the nation's power generators. The letter urged the government to diversify energy resources to ensure supplies even during war.

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