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Friday, September 30, 2011     INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING

Defector exposed Western intelligence failure on Syrian nuclear plant

— Sadly, the war in Iraq appears to be lost. The Democrats, like terriers shaking a rat (Iraq) using a plan of funding war for three months — salami tactics — causing the Army command to recognize that the Congress, not the President, is effectively in charge, have achieved their goal: implementing withdrawal.


Ruhle stated in a column that appeared in the Zurich newspaper Neue Zürcher Zeitung on March 19 that Iran helped finance the Syrian plant at al Kibar. He stated the CIA’s role in the defection of Iranian defector Ali Reza Asghari in February 2007 was “a spectacular intelligence coup.”

In addition to details of Iran’s nuclear program, Asghari’s “biggest surprise” was the disclosure that Iran was bankrolling the Syrian-North Korean nuclear program.

The disclosure embarrassed not only the Americans, which spend billions monitoring foreign nuclear developments, but the Israelis as well, who had thought that Syria’s weapons of mass destruction programs were limited to chemical and biological weapons.

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