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Friday, December 17, 2010     GET REAL

MSNBC propaganda, Reid's lame-duck agenda and anti-Christian bigotry

By Cliff Kincaid, Accuracy in Media

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough, a one-time Republican congressman and alleged conservative, said on Thursday morning on his “Morning Joe” program that Republican Senator Jon Kyl had exhibited “unChristlike” behavior by denouncing Democratic Leader Harry Reid for scheduling a series of controversial votes close to the sacred Christian holiday of Christmas.


Rather than take Reid to task for scheduling so many controversial pieces of legislation — and a major treaty with Russia — for last-minute action around Christmas, Scarborough aimed his fire at Kyl, who declared: “It is impossible to do all of the things that the majority laid out...without disrespecting one of the two holiest of holidays for Christians and the families of all of the Senate, not just senators themselves but all of the staff.”

Republican Senator Jim DeMint added his voice to the controversy, telling Politico: “We shouldn’t be jamming a major arms control treaty up against Christmas; it’s sacrilegious and disrespectful. What’s going on here is just wrong. This is the most sacred holiday for Christians. They did the same thing last year — they kept everybody here until [Christmas Eve] to force something down everybody’s throat. I think Americans are sick of this.”

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The treaty with Russia, which is being pushed despite the scandal showing that Russian spies had high-level contacts in the Obama Administration, has been criticized by conservatives for inhibiting a missile defense program for the U.S. and its allies.

In Scarborough’s increasingly bizarre and liberal world, Reid’s motives are pure and innocent and the Republicans are the villains. He did not explain to his viewing audience that much of the legislative agenda could have been accomplished earlier in the year, and that other pieces of legislation, including the treaty, could be examined next year when a new Congress takes office. Reid doesn’t want that to happen because there will be far fewer liberals in the next Congress.

The reason things are being rushed — and this is obvious to any political observer with a brain — is that Reid and the liberals believe that Republicans anxious to celebrate Christmas with their families would go along with quick votes on the liberal agenda. That agenda not only included the pro-Russia treaty and open homosexuals in the military, but a trillion dollar spending bill with earmarks.

As such, Kyl’s statement about Reid disrespecting Christians and Christmas is objectively true.

Conservatives have been warning about this lame duck session for months, anticipating that Reid and other liberals would try to ram bills like gays-in-the-military through Congress at the last minute because so many members would be anxious to get home to their families for Christmas.

But rather than fault Reid and the Democrats for mismanaging the legislative calendar and delaying action on controversial bills until after the election, Scarborough acts holier-than-thou, and like a Democratic Party shill.

This is another example of how Scarborough, once regarded as a conservative Republican, has drifted to the left, clearly under pressure from his pro-Obama corporate bosses at GE.

It is typical of the left-wing fare on MSNBC that no one on Scarborough’s panel took issue with his nonsensical and factually flawed comments. Other panelists, including co-host Mika Brzezinski, Mike Barnicle, and Tina Brown, all agreed that what Kyl had said was beyond the pale.

Scarborough falsely said Kyl’s statement amounted to questioning Reid’s Christian faith and that he should apologize to Reid.

It is Scarborough who should be issuing apologies. One apology should go to those conservatives who originally put him in office in Congress, thinking they were voting for a conservative. Scarborough acted so conservative when he was elected to Congress that he tried to appease his conservative base by sponsoring a get-the-U.S.-out-of-the-U.N. bill. Those days are long gone. Today, his base consists mostly of the left-wingers who watch MSNBC. It is obvious that Scarborough is desperate to keep his job as a TV personality on MSNBC and can only do so by attacking conservatives and their policies on a regular basis.

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