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Wednesday, November 17, 2010     GET REAL

Hizbullah declares victory in culture war for Iran: Persian civilization is no more

By Sheda Vasseghi

There is nothing in Iran which is called Persian or Persian Civilization. What exists in Iran is the Islamic Civilization…. And the founder of the Islamic Republic is an Arab, son of Arab…. The supreme leader of the Islamic Republic today is the Imam Khamenei, [a] Sayyed….” — Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, leader of terrorist organization Hizbullah


In the past 2300 years, Iranians have witnessed many brutal invasions because of their geopolitical significance. From Alexander to Mongolians to Turks to Angelo-Russo alliance, Iranians have suffered greatly as they picked up the pieces and rebuilt their country from countless destructions and mayhem. But for the most part, those invasions were put to rest in Iran’s history.

The one incursion, however, that has yet to come to a conclusion is the Muslim Arab invasion beginning in the 7th Century. An invasion that outlasted all other foreign assaults by using a more creative strategy in maintaining its hold on Iran’s natural and cultural resources for its benefit by infiltrating not only physical borders of the nation; but it’s language, heritage, and identity as well as the forceful assumption of Iran’s great achievements under the falsely coined umbrella term — “Islamic Civilization.”

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For centuries, Iran has been combating against this foreign invasion of ideas and encroachments to preserve its identity. Many patriotic nationalist warriors and leaders have come and gone in this endeavor. Many Iranian men, women, and children have perished in this cause. But despite this persistent violence brought on by foreign invaders, never before had Iran in its modern history faced a true decisive battle against it until now.

The secular, nationalist regime prior to the 1979 Islamic Revolution mistakenly assumed that increasing domestic literacy and standard of living would resolve Iran’s internal soul-searching.

But that vision failed, because it did not include proper studies and analysis of theocracies, Sharia Laws, and the nation’s historical fight against Islamization in relation to social equalities and equities.

Under the Islamic Republic during the past 31 years, however, the Iranian experience has finally revealed to the nation the realities of its demise and why this particular foreign invasion has lasted for centuries. With the help of domestic multimedia and technology know-how as well as a huge, successful diaspora spread across the globe, Iranians now recognize the magnitude of their national conflict.

Enlightened and patriotic Iranians know the time has come!

Either Iran will stand as a secular, productive nation firmly rooted in its foundation inclusive to all peoples and creeds, or share the fate of neighboring states in losing its national identity via Islamization while excluding minorities from their civil rights.

As the leader of the terrorist organization Hizbullah clearly stated above, the fight is on for Iranians to save their nation. It should be noted the challenges facing this ancient people are not restricted to the brutal mullahcracy in Teheran which by its silence has apparently endorsed the recent statements of its creation, the Hizbullah, claiming the Persian people and culture no longer exist.

Iranian heritage also faces extinction abroad since its achievements are either deleted from the pages of history books, or mislabeled under the peculiar “Islamic Civilization” category despite the fact that Western culture owes many aspects of its foundation to the Persian Civilization.

Sheda Vasseghi is on the Board of Azadegan Foundation and is a regular contributor to and on Iran’s Affairs.

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