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Lev Navrozov Archive
Thursday, May 13, 2010

Who will warn the West of the mortal threat to its existence as Einstein did to FDR in 1939?

Lev Navrozov emigrated from the Soviet Union in 1972. His columns are today read in both English and Russian. To learn more about Mr. Navrozov's work with the Center for the Survival of Western Democracies, click here.

After Lenin and Stalin established their Russia-wide prison, everything in it became revolutionary: the countrywide prison was officially called the "Union [!] of Soviet [!] Socialist [!] Republics [!]". No wonder Mao's countrywide prison has been called the "People's Republic of China." You see? "Republic" is not enough — it has to be "People's Republic"!


Also In This Edition

As for National Socialism in Germany and Fascism in Italy, the National-Socialist Germany began to be called "Nazi" Germany, with the implication that nothing is as anti-Socialist as "Nazi." Or as "Fascist." The word "Fascist" comes from "fasces," the rods, held before magistrates in ancient Rome, and Roman Law is still regarded as the basis or origin of legal justice. But the word "fascist" began to denote right-wing brutality: in Stalin's Russia, to call Stalin a fascist (loudly enough) would have meant to run the risk of being (secretly) tortured to death.

Today it is obvious that the new society like the "People's Republic" is made of Absolutism, as it existed for millennia, and private enterprise, as it has been developing in the Western "bourgeois countries." Absolutism in Stalin's Russia or in the People's Republic of China has preserved its military advantages in warfare.

On the other hand, private enterprise is efficient, especially if foreign capitalists are invited, in the production of whatever is needed for daily warfare. Unique projects are handled by institutions of Absolutism.

Hence the People's Republic of China combines Absolutism and private enterprise, with attention to the working force such as the requirement to have one child per family, since this is better for absolutism than even two children to grow up in poverty, one of whom may become a criminal, as in a Soviet underground song.

One child per family becomes a developer of the latest weapons or their user in the army, commanded by the Absolutist owner of the country.

So: Absolutism plus private enterprise, inviting foreign capitalists. What is mortally dangerous to, and possibly fatal for the free countries is that the population of China is 1.3 billion. That is, for the United States, with its 300 million people, this is like being confronted with four countries of its own population size.

In WWI and WWII, the United States was out of reach to German aviation. The owners of China have been developing space warfare, whereby each point of the United States is expected to be as accessible to space weapons as Britain was accessible to German aviation.

So far no authoritative group that I am aware of has addressed the American population with a message warning about the threat of annihilation of the United States by China's global attack with space warfare weapons and in alliance with Japan and whoever else would join China's space warfare crusade.

At the beginning of his presidency, President Obama had a two-day meeting with top China officials, whereby Obama proclaimed friendship between the two countries. Nowadays he has declared that the U.S.A. is more powerful than the People's Republic of China, and hence all fears are unfounded.

Totalitarism has its military advantages, while democracy has its own. The military strength of a totalitarian society comes from the conversion of its entire population, beneath the level of the country's totalitarian owner, into slaves or better yet into tools performing what their owner wants them to perform in time of peace or war.

Democratic society has its own strength obvious from the statistical fact that many thoughts indispensable for wining a war come from the minds of "people," not "specialists." Thus Einstein did not even have the status of an immigrant in the United States. He fled Germany as a fugitive from "justice." His guilt was being a Jew, and to face German "justice" would mean to face death. Yet owing to his letter to U.S. President Roosevelt in 1939, the United States obtained nuclear bombs earlier than did Hitler, who lost the war and committed suicide, since he failed to have nuclear bombs earlier than the United States.

Thus, the thinking of a foreigner in flight named Einstein was more important than entire thinking of all democratic governments and their military men put together. But for this to occur, the people without any posts or salaries and in flight, like a fugitive such as Einstein, had to know what Winston Churchill said in his famous speech about the life-or-death determination to fight Hitler's Germany.

One essential note would be in place. Suppose a British or an American spy in Hitler's Germany had an opportunity to go through all German government records to find out Einstein's involvement in the development of the nuclear bomb in Germany. The spy would find nothing, because Einstein was never connected with it. He wrote to Roosevelt about nuclear research going on in Germany because he thought about it, but bureaucratically speaking, he had nothing to do with it. Similarly, his nuclear bomb message to Roosevelt in 1939 was not a result of any connection with any development of such a bomb in Germany, but a result of the thinking of a man of genius.

Thus democracy enabled the brilliant mind of a scientific visionary, a fugitive from German "justice," never connected with nuclear research in Germany, to come to the logical conclusion about the need to start the development of the nuclear bomb in the United States and obtain it ahead of Germany to save the United States and other free countries from being destroyed by Nazi Germany.

The threat from the People's Republic of China to the United States is no less serious than was the threat from Hitler's Germany. Citizens of the democracies must know China's intentions, as in 1939 they knew about the threat coming from "National-Socialist Germany" owing to Einstein.

Otherwise the advantages of the democracies (freedom of thought) will be lost — just imagine what would have happened if Hitler's Germany had obtained nuclear weapons ahead of the United States.  

Lev Navrozov can be reached by e-mail at To learn more about and support his work at the Center for the Survival of Western Democracies, click here. If you intend to make a tax-exempt donation to the non-profit Center, please let us know via e-mail at, and we will send you all relevant information. Thank you.


Here comes a nano-bomb,
it will ruin your day.
If freedom of thought dies
God must will it that way.

Lev does warn us.
He will yell, "See!?
I was right!"

Ben      1:20 a.m. / Saturday, May 15, 2010

Never forget that Bill Clinton made China the super power of the 21st Century!

David Dunn      10:06 a.m. / Friday, May 14, 2010

Great commentary! China has already deeply weakened the USA economically, aided and abetted by the ultra-greedy U.S. businessmen who are lined-up at the airports to go to China to set up shop. The list of blows to the American people by the Chinese goes on - intense cyber attacks and spying, the pirating of American technology, the poisoning of US citizens with tainted medicines and food, etc. So we are in affect, bankrolling the Chinese military machine, a machine that will one day bite the hand that fed them.

Darien      7:06 p.m. / Thursday, May 13, 2010

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