Special to WorldTribune, October 25, 2024 Contract With Our Readers
[The following is from an Oct. 23 Facebook post by David W. Goetze, Major (Ret), U.S. Army Military Police Corps. who has been analyzing voting registration records and election results in North Carolina in recent years. He currently serves as Vice President for Research at Electoral Education Foundation.]
I’ve been taking a close look at all the “new” voters who’ve been added to the voter rolls so far this year and found some astonishing numbers. Each of these numbers represents a unique NCID# (State Voter ID #) that was not in the file the previous week but is in there as of the date in the first column. We see a lull in additions while the 1st and 2nd Primaries were underway, but there has been an increasing surge since the Primaries.
Have we really added 149,699 voters so far this year who do not have an NC Drivers License?
Did 110,462 not know or just didn’t care to share what their race, ethnicity and gender were?
Related: Scrutiny of NC voting data raises questions that remain unanswered, March 21, 2019
The one data element that gives us a clue to citizenship is the birth state, but 274,589 do not list one at all, so if their code would have been “OC” [Other Country] we have no way of knowing. Are the counties just failing to enter the data if it was captured or not capturing it at all? How many registrations came from these vans of grassroots folks making the rounds looking for voters who had dropped off the rolls and trying to get them registered again?
When you have a week like last week and 33,749 out of 38,009 new voters (89%) do not declare a birth state, then Houston, we have a problem.

Selected Comments on FB Post
Call me a conspiracy theorist, but there’s a reason the Biden/Harris let in over 8 million immigrants, many illegally here, and it wasn’t simply graciousness.
Dems been doing this for years, How many votes do you need at midnight?
Why is nothing being done about these discrepancies? Who is being held accountable for this?
Please hold their feet to the fire and make them answer…..we have a country to save ! In NC Voter Fraud is a felony, right ?
This is massive voter fraud attempt. It doesn’t take Perry Mason or Columbo to figure it out.
It looks like another CDPC cheating game played by the same ol’ Gov and his cronies. It doesn’t add up, and there is/has been a HUGE problem.
Do not allow their votes to be counted until a legal VALID ID is proven!!!
David Goetze
JML That is up to each County.
Will our elected officials act on this?
Where is the NCGOP Leadership on this 89% ‘Houston’ issue? Shouldn’t they be leading the charge with a filed Court expedited order demanding that the NCSBOE provide the statue guided information? Or; will we just hear how bad the candidates were after 11/5/24? Will yet more NC Republicans leave after 11/5/24. Thanks for doing what some are afraid to do. May God continue to Bless us with your principles.
Having been a trained poll worker, this reeks. You can’t be a registered voter without proof of your birth, ie. Birth certificate, naturalization papers, passport which as we all know, you can’t get a passport without a birth certificate or be naturalized without proof of birth place, country and date. If these are provisional votes, they should be disallowed just on this one question. I’m sure you have notified the attorneys?
The current version of the North Carolina Voter Registration Application does not have a field for birth state.
There is no low too low for the democrats.
Who at NC state level will bell this cat? Where is the NC GOP in this saga? Neal Jackson Bill Demastus
The fix is in! There you have it! How many are coming from counties in Western NC affected by the Hurricane?
Focused: …. Who’s Counting the Votes? …. Recent Hits