‘A dark day for America . . .’

‘A dark day for America . . .’

Times247.com Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli had the following initial reaction to the [Obamacare] decision: “This is a dark day for the American people, the Constitution, and the rule of law. This is a dark day for American liberty. “This decision goes against the very principle that America has a federal government of limited powers; […]

Just what we needed …. our own Hugo Chavez?

Just what we needed …. our own Hugo Chavez?

Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Obama is gradually transforming America into a socialist authoritarian state. This is the real meaning of his recent decision to grant backdoor amnesty to young illegal immigrants. Mr. Obama is behaving like a Latin American strongman, who asserts arbitrary power and ignores the rule of law. He is assaulting the very […]

One wealthy candidate was spoon-fed by the ruling class

One wealthy candidate was spoon-fed by the ruling class

Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Obama claims he comes from humble origins. “I wasn’t born with a silver spoon in my mouth. Michelle wasn’t, either,” he recently said at a campaign rally in Ohio. Mr. Obama’s obvious target was Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney. The president hopes to contrast his supposed average background with the former […]

Unmistakable signs of dictatorship, here in the United States

Unmistakable signs of dictatorship, here in the United States

Lev Navrozov I left “Soviet Russia” with my family at the first opportunity, for we felt that the creeping “half-dictatorship” under which we lived was a precursor of the full-blown, cruel dictatorship it used to be during Stalin’s times. We lived through those horrible forebodings, and felt unbelievably lucky to have escaped from that hell […]

A thing called freedom: Does Barack Obama control the United States?

A thing called freedom: Does Barack Obama control the United States?

Lev Navrozov Some centuries ago, there originated a thing called freedom in some countries of Western Europe — and in particular in Great Britain and later in the United States. The founders of the United States created a unique society allowing a maximum amount of liberty for the individual and restricting government involvement into the […]

Panicked Left launches campaign against the Supremes

Panicked Left launches campaign against the Supremes

After last week’s Supreme Court argument on ObamaCare, the political left seems to be suffering a nervous breakdown. Only a week ago, the liberal consensus was that the federal mandate to buy insurance couldn’t possibly be overturned. Now as panic sets in, the left has taken to mau-mauing the Justices by saying that if they […]

Tough choices, no easy fixes on health care and energy

Tough choices, no easy fixes on health care and energy

Sol W. Sanders [See Archive Like death and taxes the conundrum of short term advantage versus long term gain is always with us, in public as well as private life. Somehow, just now, it seems to be more than usually evident in political-economic decisions before The Republic. Here are two: The Supremes, as I write, […]

Obama’s October surprise

Obama’s October surprise

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Is President Obama planning to launch military strikes against Iran in order to ensure re-election? Is there an October surprise being hatched by the White House? All the signals are: yes. Recently, Mr. Obama told an audience at the American Israel Public Affairs Committee’s (AIPAC) annual policy conference in Washington, D.C. that […]

Barack Obama, a ‘Christian’, has declared war on the Judeo Christian culture

Barack Obama, a ‘Christian’, has declared war on the Judeo Christian culture

Jeffrey T. Kuhner In 2008, the media peddled the false narrative that then-Sen. Barack Obama was a post-partisan pragmatist. In 2012, he is being sold as a compassionate Christian who champions social justice, economic fairness and civil rights — a combination of Martin Luther King Jr. and President Franklin D. Roosevelt. He is neither. The […]

Obama’s overspending ensures Euro-debt will devastate U.S.

Obama’s overspending ensures Euro-debt will devastate U.S.

Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Obama’s budget puts America on the path toward Greece. It is a reckless document, a stunning betrayal of U.S. economic interests. By its own numbers, Obamanomics leads to national bankruptcy. Unless there is a dramatic course correction, we will share the bleak fate of the Greeks: riots, chaos and internationally imposed […]