Media whores, celebrity government and declining U.S. influence

Media whores, celebrity government and declining U.S. influence

Sol W. Sanders   America’s prostituted mainline media and supercilious celebrity culture are helping to facilitate the Obama administration’s destruction of U.S. government credibility. The impression is growing that President Obama’s pomposity on strategy and policy are hollow rhetoric despite their ballyhooing by a kept press, increasingly unconvincing to his domestic audience and to the […]

Obamacare panic: The worthies who imposed it and can afford it don’t want it

Obamacare panic: The worthies who imposed it and can afford it don’t want it

Wesley Pruden When crunch time comes, when the chips are down, when the rubber meets the road – employ the cliché of your choice – Americans can put away their selfish concerns and come together in common cause. Even Congress, our only native criminal class. Deep in the bowels of the Senate and House Office […]

Immigration and the end of the Republican Party

Immigration and the end of the Republican Party

Jeffrey T. Kuhner Republicans may be committing a fatal error. During its proud history, the GOP has embraced heroic causes decrying slavery, preserving our union, defending modern capitalism, opposing Soviet communism and protecting unborn children. It is a seminal institution that has been pivotal in forging a free and prosperous America. If wiser heads do […]

From the rule of law to rule by Big Brother

From the rule of law to rule by Big Brother

Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Obama is abusing his power and usurping congressional authority. He is replacing the rule of law with arbitrary rule, ignoring the constitutional limits upon his power. This is the real meaning of his assault on the Second Amendment. On Wednesday, Mr. Obama released his proposals to curb gun violence in the […]

Obama has remade America in his image

Obama has remade America in his image

Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Obama has succeeded in transforming America. The constitutional republic is dead. A socialist empire has been born. This is the true meaning — and historical significance — of the Nov. 6 election. From the outset of his presidency, Mr. Obama vowed to be a “transformative” leader. His re-election shows that he […]

Thugocracy: From messianiac to Nixonian

Thugocracy: From messianiac to Nixonian

Jeffrey T. Kuhner President Obama is losing the trust of the American people. In fact, his administration is collapsing under the weight of its numerous lies and false statements. The result: Mr. Obama’s credibility is eroding, his popularity dwindling. The electorate is slowly but decisively turning against him. The administration has been caught in a […]

From American meritocracy to a wildly incompetent ruling class

From American meritocracy to a wildly incompetent ruling class

Sol W. Sanders   Americans have always liked to think that one of the remarkable achievements of U.S. society — differentiating it from the Old Country — was our social mobility. Our “aristocrats,” whether moneyed or “stars,” were mostly only a generation away from obscurity. And chances were their progeny wouldn’t hang on to their […]

Soviet health care almost aborted our son

Soviet health care almost aborted our son

Lev Navrozov In 1972, my wife, our son, my mother, and I were on our way to the United States from Italy, where we had spent almost six months waiting for our American visas to be processed. All other Russian émigrés who also received their visas chose to go to the United States by plane. […]

Our revolutionary Supreme Court and the rise of Socialist America

Our revolutionary Supreme Court and the rise of Socialist America

Jeffrey T. Kuhner We now live in post-constitutional America. The rule of law has been replaced with arbitrary centralized government. The republic is dead. It has been strangled by President Obama and the Supreme Court. Upon its ruins, a socialist empire is being erected. This is the real meaning of the court’s recent decision to […]

The seduction of a chief justice

The seduction of a chief justice

Wesley Pruden The much-anticipated operation was a brilliant success, but the patient died. Chief Justice John Roberts is a clever surgeon, and he left a bloody mess to prove it. He’s in the Mediterranean now, on the island of Malta, lecturing to European lawyers about how to “grow” in office, basking in the applause of […]