Chinese president snubs Mark Zuckerberg’s request to name his unborn child

Chinese president snubs Mark Zuckerberg’s request to name his unborn child

Special to Facebook has been blocked in China since 2009. And now Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s request for an honorary Chinese name for his unborn daughter has been blocked by China’s president. At an exclusive White House soiree on Sept. 25, Zuckerberg was shot down when he asked President Xi Jinping to give him guidance […]

China’s new ally in controlling religious expression — Pope Francis?

China’s new ally in controlling religious expression — Pope Francis?

Special to Atheist China has had no official relations with the Vatican since 1951, but that may soon change. While the paths of Pope Francis and Chinese President Xi Jinping did not cross when both men recently visited the United States, both the Vatican and Chinese officials have signaled a warming of relations. Francis […]

Still forgetting the ‘Forgotten War’ after all these years

Still forgetting the ‘Forgotten War’ after all these years

Special to By Donald Kirk, WASHINGTON ― You know how forgotten is the Korean War when you see a documentary about the young correspondents who battled U.S. officialdom in the early years of the Vietnam War and hear comparisons between Vietnam and World War II, Vietnam and Iraq ― and not one word […]

Xi Jinping regime fires back at Hillary Clinton’s ‘China-bashing’ tweet

Xi Jinping regime fires back at Hillary Clinton’s ‘China-bashing’ tweet

Special to Xi Jinping’s Chinese Communist Party regime did not care for a tweet by Democrat front-runner Hillary Rodham Clinton. Clinton, seeking her party’s 2016 presidential nomination, tweeted on Sept. 27: “Xi hosting a meeting on women’s rights at the UN while persecuting feminists? Shameless.” An editorial in the Global Times responded by comparing […]

Chinese rights lawyer describes torture with cattle prod to the face in prison

Chinese rights lawyer describes torture with cattle prod to the face in prison

Special to Chinese dissident and top civil rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng said he was brutally tortured during three years confined in prison and could barely walk upon his release in August 2014. “Every time we emerge from the prison alive, it is a defeat for our opponents,” Gao, who was imprisoned for subversion, said […]

Obama welcomes Xi: A matter of ‘optics’ and not much else

Obama welcomes Xi: A matter of ‘optics’ and not much else

Special to By Donald Kirk, WASHINGTON ― China President Xi Jinping’s meeting with President Obama Friday is sure to be an exercise in double-and-triple talk that will sorely test the skills of both of them in papering over, covering up and otherwise evading issues that neither of them is going to be able […]

China ignores U.S. objections, continues to seize control of strategic sea lanes

China ignores U.S. objections, continues to seize control of strategic sea lanes

Special to The United States is ramping up its criticism as China continues its dredging and militarization  on several disputed islands in the South China Sea. “The South China Sea, as the name indicated, is a sea area. It belongs to China,” declared Chinese PLAN Vice Adm. Yuan Yubai. “The South China Sea is […]

In first, U.S. and Japan joint exercise addresses emergency scenario in Senkakus

In first, U.S. and Japan joint exercise addresses emergency scenario in Senkakus

Special to U.S. and Japanese naval forces recently joined together for a tactical simulation dealing with an emergency in the Senkaku Islands. In the emergency scenario, a large number of ships that appear to be Chinese fishing boats sail to the islands and men posing as fishermen then go ashore. U.S. and Japanese officers […]

Where’s the international pressure on China to accept refugees . . . from N. Korea?

Where’s the international pressure on China to accept refugees . . . from N. Korea?

Special to By Donald Kirk, The spectacle of mass migrations is a permanent phenomenon of our times. Images of refugees risking lives to escape oppressive regimes, starvation, war and mayhem are embedded in our subconscious. Think of the thousands who escaped from Vietnam after the defeat of the American-backed Saigon regime, fleeing across […]

China extends reach in S. China Sea with third man-made island airstrip

China extends reach in S. China Sea with third man-made island airstrip

Special to China is bolstering its anti-submarine warfare capability by building a third airstrip on man-made islands and extending its reach in the South China Sea, according to Chinese and Western experts. A third airstrip in the Spratly archipelago would allow Beijing to extend the reach to more than 1,400 kilometers (870 miles) from […]

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