The scandal of official silence as Christianity emerges as world’s most persecuted religion

The scandal of official silence as Christianity emerges as world’s most persecuted religion

Special to By Sol W. Sanders The lack of public outcry over the continued persecution and murder of Christians in the Middle East is a scandal of enormous proportions. Only a few websites devoted to possible rescuing these victims dogs the internet. But pronouncements from public figures and even the leaders of Western Christendom […]

Law and order, ISIL style: New propaganda video features cops in white pickups

Law and order, ISIL style: New propaganda video features cops in white pickups

Special to Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL) has released a new propaganda video which boasts that the terror group has brought law and order to lawless Libya. The video shows footage of ISIL’s newly-formed Islamic police force patrolling the coastal city of Sirte, which the terror organization has controlled since June. In […]

Netanyahu clarifies: Gaza blockade won’t be lifted as part of Turkey deal

Netanyahu clarifies: Gaza blockade won’t be lifted as part of Turkey deal

Special to Israel will not lift the blockade on the Gaza Strip as part of a deal that renews relations with Turkey, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said on Dec. 21. “They (Turkey) argued against the blockade on Gaza and of course we don’t intend to change our naval blockade policy,” Netanyahu said according to […]

Kuntar’s track record, Iran ties made him target for assassination by the Israelis

Kuntar’s track record, Iran ties made him target for assassination by the Israelis

Special to Israel’s assassination of notorious terrorist Samir Kuntar was carried out as a “response” to his close ties with Iran and his planning of a major terror attack on the Golan Heights, an analyst said. Kuntar, a top commander for Iran terror proxy Hizbullah, was killed in an Israeli air strike in Damascus, […]

Saudi businessman in talks with Egypt on $4 billion tourism project

Saudi businessman in talks with Egypt on $4 billion tourism project

Special to A Saudi businessman is prepared to invest $4 billion on a resort that would be a major shot in the arm for Egypt’s struggling tourism industry. The unnamed businessman is in talks with Egyptian authorities on building a resort in Egypt’s Red Sea region of Sharm el-Sheikh, Egyptian Tourism Minister Hisham Zaazou […]

Saudis intercept Houthi missile fired from Yemen

Saudis intercept Houthi missile fired from Yemen

Special to Saudi Patriot missile batteries on Dec. 21 intercepted a missile fired from Yemen by Iran-backed Houthi rebels. The Saudi-led coalition said its air defenses stopped the missile from reaching the kingdom’s southern Jazan district. “Air forces immediately destroyed the launch pad inside Yemen,” the coalition said. At least two other missiles have […]

Iraqi military readies offensive, drops leaflets for civilians in ISIL-controlled Ramadi

Iraqi military readies offensive, drops leaflets for civilians in ISIL-controlled Ramadi

Special to Iraq is set to launch an offensive to retake the city of Ramadi from Islamic State of Iraq and Levant (ISIL). The Iraqi air force on Dec. 20 dropped leaflets in Ramadi, calling for residents of the ISIL-controlled city to leave within 72 hours. Ramadi is the capital of the Sunni-majority Anbar […]

Russia seen approving Kuntar ‘assassination’ condemned by Iran, Syria and Hamas

Russia seen approving Kuntar ‘assassination’ condemned by Iran, Syria and Hamas

Special to Israel’s killing of terrorist Samir Kuntar was condemned as an “assassination” by Iran, Syria and Hamas while analysts say Russia likely allowed Israel to carry out the strike near Damascus. “The dean of liberated detainees from Israeli prisons, brother Mujahid Samir Kuntar, was martyred along with several Syrian citizens in the strike,” […]

First Miss Iraq in more than four decades crowned under tight security in Baghdad

First Miss Iraq in more than four decades crowned under tight security in Baghdad

Special to Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty The winner of Iraq’s first beauty pageant since 1972 says her new job will be to show that Iraq is still a “country of beauty and culture in the face of terrorism and violence.” Shayma Qassim, 20, has been declared the winner of the pageant that […]

UN’s Ban reflects on year of ‘horror’ in ‘Afro/Mid-East centric’ crisis zone, sets $20 billion for humanitarian relief

UN’s Ban reflects on year of ‘horror’ in ‘Afro/Mid-East centric’ crisis zone, sets $20 billion for humanitarian relief

Special to By John J. Metzler UNITED NATIONS — Calling 2015 a year which has brought “both breakthrough and horror,” UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon presented a global report card of sorts on a “pivotal year” in which the world organization marked its 70th anniversary as well as helped achieve what he outlined as […]

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