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Jeffrey T. Kuhner Archive
Friday, December 31, 2010

America, 2010: Going the way of Greece, Persia, Rome

With 2010 drawing to a close, the American moment is ending not with a bang but a whimper. The 2000s will be remembered as the era of American decline.


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Instead of trying to reverse this, Washington is hastening it. The lame-duck Congress, with help from Republicans, passed President Obama's tax deal, which adds nearly another trillion to the debt. It is a massive stimulus in disguise — with no offsetting spending cuts.

Moreover, Mr. Obama — again with GOP help — succeeded in getting "don't ask, don't tell" repealed, enabling homosexuals to serve openly in the military. This is one of the most revolutionary and damaging acts ever done to a core American institution. It will decimate the greatest fighting force on earth, undermining unit cohesion, morale and discipline — the lifeblood of a successful military. It is an act of national suicide.

This will add another layer of difficulty to our already inconclusive wars. Consider that the last time the United States won a major war was 1945 — Korea was a stalemate, Vietnam a defeat; the first Gulf War failed to topple Saddam Hussein; Afghanistan and Iraq have become prolonged quagmires. Total victory has become alien to us.

A small example of how far we have fallen, how pampered and coddled we have become, was the decision by the NFL this week to postpone the game between the Philadelphia Eagles and Minnesota Vikings in Philadelphia. Football players are supposed to be the closest thing Americans have to modern Roman gladiators. The game exemplifies the rugged individualism and grit at the heart of the American character. The reason for the delay: Philadelphia was expecting 11 inches of snow. By comparison with historical Northeast winters, this was a minor storm — something previous generations simply shoveled and plowed through as they got on with their daily lives.

If 11 inches of snow brings America's gladiators to a halt, it is clear we have lost our resilience.

This is evident, too, in the kinds of leaders we elect. Conventional wisdom holds that Mr. Obama is the antithesis of his predecessor, former President George W. Bush. Mr. Obama is a liberal Democrat. Mr. Bush was a conservative Republican. Mr. Obama is a cosmopolitan internationalist, while Mr. Bush was a unilateralist cowboy. In fact, they have much more in common than either the left or the right would like to admit. Mr. Obama is simply continuing — and intensifying — many of the disastrous Bush policies.

Runaway government spending, new entitlements (for example, the prescription drug benefit), soaring deficits, bailouts, the troubled Asset Relief Program, expensive stimulus packages, a porous southern border and nation-building abroad — all of this began under Mr. Bush. Mr. Obama is accelerating the big-government corporatism and social-engineering militarism that marked the Bush years. At its core, Mr. Obama's presidency is a culmination of — not a break from — Bushism.

Economic stagnation has set in. Mr. Obama's trillion-dollar deficits have pushed us to the brink of national bankruptcy. The greatest domestic threat to America is the skyrocketing national debt - which is approaching Greece-like levels. Instead of slashing spending, Washington continues to party like it's 1965. Obamacare is the final nail in America's fiscal coffin. We are spending money we simply do not have.

Moreover, Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid combined account for more than $100 trillion in unfunded liabilities. The stark reality is that we cannot afford these huge — and popular — entitlement programs. To restore fiscal sanity and prevent crushing taxation, these programs must be privatized or substantially scaled back. The public, however, has no appetite for these kinds of draconian measures.

Like many Europeans, Americans have become addicted to la dolce vita — the good life. Generous social programs combined with increasing consumerism and sexual hedonism characterize the modern West. It is the end result of a society stripped from its Christian moorings.

The 19th-century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche claimed "God is dead." Nietzsche's point was that the loss of faith would constitute our civilization's seminal cultural reality. The passing of the Christian West signifies the end not only of a worldview, but of a character type — one based on honor, family, self-help, blood-and-soil patriotism, personal responsibility and a God-centered moral order. Self-indulgence and self-expression have filled the vacuum. Life is no longer about sacrifice and duty; it's about maximizing pleasure and self-fulfillment.

Most Americans can no longer endure pain. This is why unemployment benefits keep being extended. This is why nearly every industry is "too big to fail." It is the inevitable consequence of statism: the transformation of freeborn and productive citizens into de facto serfs who look to Uncle Sam for handouts. Decades of liberalism have led to the servile state.

In the 2000s, as we became soft, self-indulgent and mired in foreign interventions, a new great power emerged: an ultranationalist China. During the past decade, Beijing became the world's No. 1 manufacturer and automaker, premier exporting nation and No. 2 economy. China is engaged in a massive military buildup and menaces its neighbors. It owns much of our public debt. It is to America what we once were to Great Britain: the rising force in the world.

All civilizations rise and fall. Ancient Greece, Persia, Rome, medieval Europe, the great Italian city-states, the Ottoman Empire, the vast European empires — the past is littered with the corpses of once unparalleled and dominant powers that are now a distant memory. So too has America passed its zenith.

Jeffrey T. Kuhner is a radio talk show personality and a columnist at The Washington Times and


Unless another conservative, like Reagan, can be elected in 2012. If not, it'll be proof that the trajectory of America is irreversible, and that all morality in the future will be determined by what is presented on whatever [media presentation] dominates -- and not the Judeo-Christian morality of the Bible.

1689      7:14 a.m. / Saturday, January 1, 2011

In linguistics, migration patterns and genetics, "Americans" are a sifted people of Indo European origins. Meaning Americans by blood were Gauls, Goths, Celts, Amyrgians, Cimmerian, Scyths and Aryans driven by exile from their Middle Eastern promised lands on a long trek in making empires shake. Recent Judahite scholars agree now with what was termed British identity, that the Cimerians and Aryans of antiquity were a slur like Jahn Cheese for Yankees, in they were the Samarians of the Lost 10 Tribes, as noted on Middle Eastern obalisks, as Samarian for Khumri which was for King Omri of Samaria. Americans have been turned out from beyond the Jordan in the first exiles and according to Rabbinical tradition they will be the first to return on Christ's return. All of this is stunning to those who think Americans were recent inventions, but then historian Francis Parkman and President Theodore Roosevelt, both noted the strangeness in God working something out in entire villages evacuated from European nations for America while others remained. Is America in dire straights? Yes she is, but she only arrived here, because of God's promises. One of which through Jacob was that one of Joseph's sons would after breaking free from the brother Ephraim become the greatest single nation ever on earth. As Parkman and Roosevelt noted, the Anglo Saxon rise from an island to spread in Commonwealth was never seen in history. It could not have happened and yet it did. There is a prophesy linked to President George Washington in being shown by an Angel three great tests for America. One was the Revolution, one was the Civil War, and the last was one in our time, in which the world would be arrayed against America. Life is more than politics and commerce. There are forces of good and evil. Evil is now being arrayed against these United States. Americans though have endured this future many times in our collective past. It is what will come as the destruction of the current regime will only bring terror strikes, economic slavery, retreats and invasion. I would remind though that Americans were born to this. Americans lust for the fight, the struggle and hard sell. It is what Abraham did in being called out alone from Ur. Valley Forge, the Alamo, Cold Harbor, Little Big Horn, Iwo Jima, the Bulge etux, these are the fights this people honor, because it is not victory but the defeat in selling out hard which appeals to Americans. Flight 93 was Americans being Americans on 9/11. This is what we were born to. There has always been the 70 percent who are duped by an Obama. The survivors went on to cripple the Persian Empire, Greek Empire, Roman Empire and even our British Empire brothers, onto Japan, Germany, Italy, Spain, France and Russia. America has gone the way of sin and will be judged for it as our fathers were. That special race though as Parkman noted came to America, died in genocide littering our frontiers, became once again that shining city on a hill. America does not go the way of empires. She eats empires and she survives Godless despots from within as she is a people like no other as when you get down to the core of America, those are the survivors God always delivers. The American at heart is always too trusting of leaders as they are honest and would never get them into the position of putting this land in jeopardy. America is in jeopardy, but this is what the American heart beats rapidly for as it is the fight we enjoy. It is Patrick Henry, Nathan Hale now in Sarah Palin and Mark Levin who enjoy the odds when they are overwhelming against. This civilization thing corrupts this people like Lot at Sodom. It is why Americans by nature throw it off. It will not be easy in what comes. It will be great in tribulation. It could have been easy and at peace with a world in trumoil, but that is not Americans. They got the Obama they desired to bring this all down in majority, now the minority will survive as it is in them to survive. They will find things in them they never knew were there. Things of Crockett, Custer and Patton. Things to stir the soul. We are Americans. It is our history in detesting the pluribus poltroons and chafing for rugged individuals of a Republic. We are our manifest destiny like no other people. We are a tea party looking not for a kettle to brew but an ocean to fill.

Lame Cherry      12:01 a.m. / Saturday, January 1, 2011

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