Jordan to train 32,000 Iraqi police in $1 billion program
Special to World
Wednesday, December 3, 2003
AMMANÑ Jordan has begun training of up to 32,000 Iraqi police
cadets in a more than $1 billion dollar project approved by the United
The training began on Monday in a Jordanian police facility near Amman.
The Jordanian project was meant to last for two years.
Jordanian officials said the first batch to undergo training consists of
500 Iraqi cadets. The cadets arrived over the weekend and will spend at
least eight weeks in the training course.
Last week, a group of 106 Iraqi police officers completed an instructors
course at a Jordanian security facility. Instructors from Egypt, Iraq,
Jordan and the United States were expected to provide training to Iraqi
police cadets.
The training will include weapons skills, counter-insurgency operations,
interrogation and administrative duties. The project was said to cost about
$1.3 billion.