Columns by Claudio Campuzano
Click here for columns published in 2000
Click here for columns published in 2001
- January 2, 2002 - Ecuador learned from Argentina's errors; now it must learn some more
- January 10, 2002 - President Chávez loses his grip on Venezuela but gains it on New York University
- January 20, 2002 - Argentina's economic meltdown
poses threat to its democracy
- January 27, 2002 - Chile's hopes for a trade treaty with the U.S. suffer a setback
- February 3, 2002 - Former ally prescribes exorcism for Venezuela's Chavez
- February 8, 2002 - Enron nation: Only recourse for Argentina may be an authoritarian government
- February 15, 2002 - Chile's F-16 purchase fuels military spending debate
- February 22, 2002 - Colombia's government reluctantly launches all-out attack on leftist guerrillas
- March 1, 2002 - When Godot arrives in Argentina he may well be in military uniform
- March 10, 2002 - Rift in Brazil's governing coalition is not likely to help the left as some predict
- March 15, 2002 - The complex but telling results of Sunday's election in Colombia
- March 22, 2002 - The Americas meet in Monterrey: Hefty goals, paltry outcome
- March 29, 2002 - Wall Street's view of the Latin American economy is not that grim
- April 5, 2002 - Argentina's former economy minister Cavallo jailed on arms smuggling charges
- April 13, 2002 - In Venezuela, a coup by overwhelming consensus
- April 15, 2002 - The public consensus to overthrow Chávez did not extend to all the military
- April 21, 2002 - Latin America's reaction to Venezuela's coup is a triumph of hypocrisy
- April 28, 2002 - Fidel Castro reveals how he was humiliated by the Mexican president
- May 7, 2002 - Senate Democrats play politics with Latin America's future
- May 12, 2002 - Chile's left works hard to take their country the way of Argentina
- May 20, 2002 - In the midst of violence Colombians will choose a new president Sunday
- May 29, 2002 - With Uribe's triumph Colombia gets the president it needed
- June 6, 2002 - With Uribe's triumph Colombia gets the president it needed
- July 11, 2002 - Toledo's presidency at risk in Peru as his popularity plunges
- July 18, 2002 - The recent comings and goings of the peculiar Cuban 'democracy'
- July 25, 2002 - Fantasies about Brazilian politics
- August 1, 2002 - Bolivia's new president will have to hit the ground running
- August 8, 2002 - Move over Bill Clinton; Here comes Peru's Alejandro Toledo
- August 22, 2002 - Tough measures against rebels please Colombians, upset U.S. liberals
- September 13, 2002 - OAS, Jimmy Carter's institute wade into Venezuela mess
- October 8, 2002 - In Brazil a leftist president is in the cards; But, how far left is he?
- October 25, 2002 - Breakdown in national unity evident in Ecuador election
- November 3, 2002 - Brazil's Lula moved right and won; his party stayed left and lost