Analysis by WorldTribune Staff, June 28, 2024 Contract With Our Readers
At one point in Thursday night’s debate when Joe Biden trailed off incoherently, Donald Trump responded: “Yeah, I have no idea what he just said. I don’t think he knows either.”
Human Events editor Jack Posobiec posted: “Do you get it yet? Biden has not been in charge of the White House for a long long time. We have to ask the hard questions. Who has actually been running the White House? This is a national security issue.”
Trump hammered away from that point during the debate, saying to Biden: “Did you fire anyone in the military after the disaster in Afghanistan? Did you fire anyone for destroying our border and letting 18 million people in?”
When Biden referred to his predecessor as a “convicted felon,” Trump was ready with the retort that Biden’s son Hunter had been convicted June 11 of federal gun crimes and awaits a second trial in Los Angeles over $1.4 million in alleged tax fraud from foreign relationships in which he often involved then-Vice President Biden.
“He could be a convicted felon as soon as he gets out of office — Joe could be a convicted felon with all of the things that he’s done. He’s done horrible things,” the former president said, noting that Biden had falsely denied the authenticity of files from Hunter’s laptop, exposed by The New York Post, that linked him to dealings in China and Ukraine.
Biden “gets paid by China. He’s a Manchurian Candidate. He gets money from China,” Trump said.
“The whole country is exploding because of you, because they don’t respect you, and they have to respect their president, and they don’t respect you throughout the world,” Trump added. “We’re in a failing nation, but it’s not going to be failing anymore. We’re going to make it great again.”
The 81-year-old Biden’s verbal screw-ups were “overshadowed even more by eye-wrenching optics,” John Solomon wrote in his debate analysis for Just the News.
Biden’s “voice sounded raspy and weak (his team blamed a summer cold), he frequently mumbled or halted through lines designed to defend his records and at times he launched attacks on Trump that had long been debunked even by liberal fact-checkers,” Solomon added. “Even his exit from the stage at night’s end went viral in the negative sense as his wife, Jill Biden, seemed to be guiding a frail man grasping for help.”
Washington Times columnist Cheryl K. Chumley noted: “Everybody in America and around the world know Joe Biden is not all there mentally and that the only reason he’s able to prop himself on stage or at a podium or in front of the press or at a political event is because he has some really good doctors with access to some really powerful meds and they’re able to keep him upright for whatever brief period his presence his demanded.
“Biden on stage at the debate was the same as Biden on stage over the last three-plus years of his White House administration.
“Yet now the Democrats are up in arms because it’s as if they’re seeing Biden for the first time for what he is: an ailing and fragile old man with serious mental deficiencies.”
Indeed, Biden’s allies in legacy media went into panic mode pretty much from the get-go.
Politico, before the debate was over, suggested that Biden was “toast.”
Less than 20 minutes into the 90-minute debate, CNBC said it began hearing from concerned Democrat campaign donors and fundraisers.
“Game over,” said a longtime Democrat campaign advisor, who has been raising money for congressional leaders for over a decade and helped raise money for Biden’s 2020 White House bid.
“Biden’s got to leave. He’s got to get out now and if he doesn’t get out we’re going to get f—— crushed,” said the advisor. They told CNBC they planned to approach Democratic National Committee Chairman Jaime Harrison on Friday to discuss what happened at the debate.
Former Democrat presidential candidate Andrew Yang openly called for Biden’s ouster.
“That was painful,” Democrat adviser and CNN analyst Van Jones declared.
“I think there was a sense of shock,” former Obama adviser David Axelrod declared, describing Biden’s halting start to the debate.
CNN political reporter John King, who has covered every presidential race since the 1980s, declared Biden’s performance a “game changing debate” that was prompting talk of a Democrat coup to remove Biden or encourage him to step aside.
Chumley added: “If Democrats want to rush to replace Biden with some other candidate, fine. Dandy. Do it. But quit the gaslighting. Democrats shouldn’t try to pretend like the Biden on the debate stage was some sort of new and shocking creation — and then expect the American people to play into that lie as well. We’ve all known from the beginning. Everybody has. And that’s why the world’s been on fire for more than three years.”
Biden rambles.
Trump: “I really don’t know what he said at the end of that sentence and I don’t think he knows what he said either”
— Greg Price (@greg_price11) June 28, 2024
Joe Biden is as addicted to power as his son is addicted to drugs. No one is forcing him out of this election.
Fifty years in office is not enough. Power is the strongest drug.
— MAZE (@mazemoore) June 28, 2024
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) June 28, 2024
CHUCK TODD: “Biden looks like the caricature that conservative media has been painting … you saw it before your eyes!”
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) June 28, 2024
Just think about what that debate looked like to people and leaders around the world.
— Ben Rhodes (@brhodes) June 28, 2024