Xi’s anti-corruption campaign is winning him new enemies in the PLA

Special to WorldTribune.com

By Willy LamEast-Asia-Intel.com

A series of unusual happenings in the People’s Liberation Army has demonstrated that President and Commander-in-Chief Xi Jinping is paying a heavy price for hitting out at “big tigers” among corrupt military officers.

From left: Chinese President Xi Jinping, Gen. Xu Caihou and Gen. Guo Boxiong.
From left: Chinese President Xi Jinping, Gen. Xu Caihou and Gen. Guo Boxiong.

Late last month, Beijing announced that former Politburo member and vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC) Gen. Xu Caihou had been expelled from the party for graft-related offences — and that the 71-year-old cancer patient would shortly be put on trial in the military court.

At least 10 officers with the rank of major-general or above have also been detained for being members of the “Xu Caihou corruption gang.”

There is little doubt that at least superficially, Xi has burnished his credentials as a military strongman by daring to hit out at corrupt senior generals, something that his two predecessors, ex-presidents Jiang Zemin and Hu Jintao had consistently refrained from doing.

Morale among the top brass, however, has plummeted …

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