U.S. to help Iran rebuild nuclear reactor

Special to WorldTribune.com

The United States will provide “advanced equipment” that will enable Iran to rebuild its nuclear reactor at Arak.

According to the U.S. State Department, it will work with Iran to modernize the reactor, but the process will take away Arak’s ability to produce weapons grade material.

Iran's Arak nuclear facility.
Iran’s Arak nuclear facility.

“Four countries of the [nuclear negotiating team] have accepted to cooperate with Iran in supplying advanced equipment for the (Arak) reactor and different other issues,” Behrouz Kamalvandi, a spokesman for the Iranian nuclear authority, said on Nov. 10.

Kamalvandi said Iran could complete the modernization on its own but “has sought the world powers’ assistance to accelerate the job.”

The Obama administration announced when the nuclear deal was implemented in October that it would contribute to the modernization effort at the Arak reactor.

“Under the [Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action], one step that Iran must take is to redesign its Arak Heavy Water Research reactor, including removing its existing calandria and rendering it inoperable,” Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz said in an Oct. 18 statement.

“To support this effort, the Department of Energy’s nuclear experts will lead the U.S. effort to work with our P5+1 partners and Iran to modernize the Arak reactor, effectively eliminating a potential source of weapons-grade material.”

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