Lacking food and other basic needs, North Koreans are increasingly turning to drugs

Lacking food and other basic needs, North Koreans are increasingly turning to drugs

Special to By Lee Jong-Heon, SEOUL — A growing number of North Koreans — from elite Party members in Pyongyang to farmers in remote areas — are involved in the lucrative drug smuggling routes to China. Many have become addicts in the process. Defectors and analysts here said the Workers’ Party and military had long […]

Report: Kim Jong-Un increasingly estranged from key sectors of ruling elite

Report: Kim Jong-Un increasingly estranged from key sectors of ruling elite

Special to By Lee Jong-Heon, SEOUL — North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un is at odds with Pyongyang’s ruling elite, according to media reports and sources here. “Senior officials in the Workers’ Party and the military are increasingly objecting to policies or ignoring orders from Kim Jong-Un,” South Korea’s top newspaper Chosun Ilbo reported, citing sources […]

Kim Jong-Un shifts focus to economy from military escalation

Kim Jong-Un shifts focus to economy from military escalation

Special to By Lee Jong-Heon, North Korean leader Kim Jong-Un who mobilized the military and threatened U.S. allies with Weapons of Mass Destruction for the past months has shifted his focus to the economic front. On March 31, the Workers’ Party adopted the country’s “new strategic course of parallel economic construction and nuclear weapons development […]

Island ruckus distracts minds in Tokyo, Seoul from more serious concerns

Island ruckus distracts minds in Tokyo, Seoul from more serious concerns

Special to By Donald Kirk, The North Koreans have got to love this one. The ruckus over disputed islands gets so much play in Korea and Japan that Koreans and Japanese tend to forget they’ve got a real enemy lurking somewhere over the 38th parallel. That would be North Korea, whose strategists may […]

N. Korea’s propaganda achieves overkill; Lee Myung-Bak, watch your back

N. Korea’s propaganda achieves overkill; Lee Myung-Bak, watch your back

Special to By Donald Kirk, SEOUL — The job of a journalist for the North Korean propaganda machine surely must be one of the more fun-filled gigs in the media business. Imagine the laughs the writers up there must be having as they dream up fresh turns of phrase with which to pillory […]

China tends to its universally-despised, never-say-die Communist ally

China tends to its universally-despised, never-say-die Communist ally

Special to By Donald Kirk, SEOUL — China is mending fences with North Korea after signing off on “condemnation” of North Korea’s failed missile launch while the North ratchets up the decibel level of invective against South Korea and the United States. The confluence of revived warmth between North Korea and China and […]

Sucker: Pyongyang hits U.S. with a one-two punch

Sucker: Pyongyang hits U.S. with a one-two punch

Special to By Donald Kirk, SEOUL — No doubt about it, United States negotiator Glyn Davies got suckered into one of the all-time negotiating tricks when he fell for the deal with North Korea’s veteran double-talker Kim Kye-Gwan on Feb. 29 in which Kim convinced him, really, this time North Korea would honor […]

West answers N. Korea launch preparations with a barrage of hot air

West answers N. Korea launch preparations with a barrage of hot air

Special to By Donald Kirk, SEOUL — North Korea’s determination to fire a long-range missile sometime between Wednesday and next Monday is leaving the United States and its allies in the humiliating position of issuing rhetorical threats with no real chance of carrying them out. The helplessness of the U.S. position was clear […]

Kim Jong-Un’s rush of new titles seen betraying vulnerability to challenges

Kim Jong-Un’s rush of new titles seen betraying vulnerability to challenges

Special to By Lee Jong-Heon, Kim Jong-Un’s faster-than-anticipated rise to North Korea’s top leadership suggests that he is vulnerable to possible domestic challenges following the death last month of his father, Kim Jong-Il, who handpicked the son as his successor, officials and analysts in Seoul say. The junior Kim, who is believed to […]

N. Korean hell on earth: Purges, gulags for unconvincing mourning loom

N. Korean hell on earth: Purges, gulags for unconvincing mourning loom

Special to By Donald Kirk, The rise of the son as “supreme commander” of North Korea’s armed forces gives rise to nostalgia. Already the reign of the father is beginning to seem like the good old days. At least as long as Kim Jong-Il was around a certain sense of security prevailed. South […]